8 Professional Magicians share their Secrets!

8 Professional Magicians share their Secrets!

Timothy Hyde puts a series of interesting questions to some of the greats of magic.. For Example….

“If you were starting out again in your career of Magic, what would you do differently?”

From Magical Legend Billy McComb

I’d concentrate earlier on comedy. People pay more to laugh than to be amazed .Magic can be the hook or anything else you are interested in. With me magic was my hobby which became my vocation. As soon as I had a workable viable act I’d get a good reliable agent who will work hard for me earlier in my career. One who either has no other comedy magician on his books and who is already designated as a hard-working agent OR with a very top comedy magician on his books so that he would know the route to take to have me follow in his foot-steps. That way he would have in me a meal ticket for the rest of his days which would be an incentive to him and I would be able to spend more time on improving my act.

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