A Note from Rick…

A Note from Rick…

Thanks a million to all of you who have spent time on MAGIC NEWS during our first couple of months online. I have thoroughly enjoyed tracking down these stories, and I hope at least some of you have enjoyed reading them…

That said.. I want to stress that MAGIC NEWS doesn’t have an agenda. I am not thrilled with the ‘tone’ some of the magic related stories take, but that is the road chosen by the author and the publication itself – not Rick.. I simply pass on links to the stories that are being printed. To avoid being accused of editorializing, I don’t edit… I report.

If you wish to NOT see sordid little parts of your life splashed across the internet.. stay out of the news. Better yet, stay out of trouble and you’ll not see yourself IN the news. I wish I could offer better advice, but I have a feeling, in some cases at least, it would fall on deaf ears.

As Oscar Wilde famously said.. “ The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about…”

Unrelated thought… I’m assuming most of you have noticed the little red Hearts below each post. They are a polite way of indicating you liked that particular post. If you click it you’re not going to have to sign up for something or see it reposted on Facebook.. you are simply indicating to me that you found that article interesting. It only takes a moment and It WILL help establish a sense of direction for MAGIC NEWS…

Look for a wider assortment of magic-related posts in the coming weeks. There are going to be some BIG changes.. as soon as I figure out what they are…   

G’day mates..

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