A scientific approach to magic – Jason Latimer, the World Champion of Magic, creates an original show for the Reuben H. Fleet..

A scientific approach to magic – Jason Latimer, the World Champion of Magic, creates an original show for the Reuben H. Fleet..

Jason Latimer is an official “World Champion of Magic” who travels the world performing mystifying illusions.

This summer, however, Latimer, 33, is settling in San Diego for his project, “Perception: See Beyond the Illusion.” The show combines magic and science and is performed weekends through Aug. 31 at the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center.

Latimer, who lives in downtown San Diego, studied economics, math, physics and psychology when he was a student at UC Santa Barbara.

He tells us about the life of a traveling magician.

Q: How did you get the idea to use your scientific knowledge for magic?

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