Become a modern day magician with Marvin’s i-Magic for iPhone and Android (hands-on)

Become a modern day magician with Marvin’s i-Magic for iPhone and Android (hands-on)

Marvin’s Magic is a toy brand that has won the hearts of trainee magicians for numerous years, offering sets to create illusions of varying complexity. From the basic cup and ball tricks to intricate card magic, the company has provided the tools needed.

However, some modern magicians are progressing beyond the traditional tools for their tricks.Digital magic has become popular of late thanks to people like Simon Pierro and Marco Tempest, with the latter even given his own Ted Talks show, and now you can get in on the act thanks to a new line-up of tricks Marvin has up his sleeve.

Marvin’s i-Magic will launch later this year and contains a collection of magic tricks that work in conjunction with an Android or iPhone app. Your phone, therefore, becomes a valuable tool in pulling the wool over people’s eyes and it adds an additional layer of fun to the proceedings.

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