Brookline magician follows his dream, with a handkerchief up his sleeve..

Brookline magician follows his dream, with a handkerchief up his sleeve..

By Ignacio Laguarda for Wicked Local – Brookline

Magician Eric Benton wants you to know exactly what his show isn’t.

It’s written plainly on his website, What you won’t get is “sparkly boxes,” routines that make audience members the butt of jokes, and finally, no playing of the song “Final Countdown” by the band Europe.

The Brookline resident likes his magic to stand on its own.

“I guess I just try to be myself as much as possible,” he said. “It’s pretty easy in magic to emulate what you’ve seen before and go with what normal set script comes with the trick. I try to go off of that and make it my own”

Benton got into magic, as many do, when he was a kid and was given a magic set as a present. For some kids, magic can be a passing fad, but for Benton, it stuck.

“Some [magicians] just stick around,” said Benton, before wryly adding, “And some of them discover girls.”…

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