Comic-magician Mike Hammer: From six years of struggle to his own show, theater..

Comic-magician Mike Hammer: From six years of struggle to his own show, theater..

Very nice interview by Robin Leach..

His sarcasm is stunning. His magic mystifies. Put the two together with a healthy helping of irreverence, toss in sassy and rude humor, and you have Mike Hammer, the Don Rickles of charismatic conjuring. Or the George Carlin of the unexplained.

The audiences at his comedy club in Four Queens downtown lap it up and return time and again for more of the silk-gloved insults of his comedy magic show “Get Hammered.” “It’s all in great fun,” said Mike the night I went to see him where one elderly gentleman who’d partied too much for his age fell asleep. It was as if a gift had dropped from heaven for the abrasive comic who wields a magic wand.

Mike leapt off the stage in fake offense and stood over the guest berating his sin of sleep. I haven’t laughed that much in a year of seeing shows here in Las Vegas. The off-kilter, hilarious humor is endless, and everybody was in stitches gasping for air.

Who gets away introducing one audience member as an axe murderer? Who gets away with deflating the tires of a Canadian tractor repairman on his first girlfriend date to Las Vegas?  Read more….

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