David Copperfield Sued For Allegedly Stiffing Vegas Show Employees on Overtime..

David Copperfield Sued For Allegedly Stiffing Vegas Show Employees on Overtime..

Jordan Zakarin and The Wrap are reporting the following in an article published today…

David Copperfield can’t just wave his hand and make this problem disappear: The 57-year-old magician is being sued by a group of stagehands and technicians who allege they were denied overtime pay and punished for pursuing it while working for his Las Vegas show.

The employees were entitled to overtime pay for working in excess of 40 hours per week, the suit alleges, but Copperfield “consciously implemented a system of coercion and deception aimed at denying employees their rights to overtime pay.” Specifically, the day-rate workers, were allegedly given titles that did not match their job descriptions.

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