How a NASA scientist helped an obese magician lose over 100 pounds..

How a NASA scientist helped an obese magician lose over 100 pounds..

Penn Jillette is a magician and a juggler, a flamboyant and funny performer. He’s also only two-thirds as big as he was in November 2014, when, approaching his 60th birthday, he weighed 330 pounds.

His new book is called “Presto! How I Made Over 100 Pounds Magically Disappear and Other Big Fat Tales,” and that pretty much lays it out. How did he do it? Well, he started by eating nothing but potatoes for two weeks. Boiled, raw, baked . . . didn’t matter, he just had to eat nothing but potatoes, including the skin. After two weeks of that, he was allowed to eat an ear of corn — no butter, no salt —and it takes a full page for him to express just how that corn boggled his “potato famine” palate. Read more..

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