How I Got My Dream Job: John Rizen, Magician..

How I Got My Dream Job: John Rizen, Magician..

Magicians have been with us for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Historians date the first usage of the word as early as the 14th century, and trace its etymological origins to themagus, a type of ancient Persian priest, and cognate maghdim, a Chaldean term for “wisdom and philosophy.” Fast-forward a handful of centuries later, and the word’s basic connotations still apply, at least to modern-day magician John Rizen, a Canadian-born magic master and mogul currently based in Vancouver, BC. For the past six years, Rizen had managed to carve out a career path doing what he loves, through hard work, self-defined hustle, and of course — and please forgive the mandatory pun — a little magic.  Read the interview…

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