How technology, the Internet and the iPad are changing a magician’s secret work..

How technology, the Internet and the iPad are changing a magician’s secret work..

Technology is all around us. So is magic. But while magic is a secretive, ancient art, technology is credited for its relentless drive towards innovation.

Now, the two worlds are meeting head on.

“The Internet is a blessing and a curse for magicians,” says Stuart Nolan, who calls himself a research magician. For Nolan, the Internet is a curse because of the way people like to post videos and share the secrets of the game.

But for magicians like Simon Pierro, the Internet has been a blessing.

The 35-year old, who is known as the iPad Magician, posted one of his first YouTube videos three years ago. It showed Pierro performing tricks with Apple’s tablet PC.

The video went viral and his YouTube account has since garnered more than 20 million views…. Read more….

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