Keith Barry ‘predicts’ Prince Harry baby: Outlandish claims of magician who ‘saw’ Buncefield explosion

Keith Barry ‘predicts’ Prince Harry baby: Outlandish claims of magician who ‘saw’ Buncefield explosion

By Colin Brennan for the Mirror…

The royal household could soon be celebrating ANOTHER baby after a self-styled ‘mentalist’ predicted Prince Harry would get a girl pregnant.

As one of a series of outlandish claims, Irish ‘hypnotist’ Keith Barry ‘predicts’ that the current fourth in line to the throne will create a “scandal” by getting a girl pregnant in the coming months.

Mr Barry made the prediction on his Facebook page after saying he had been hit with “crazy new premonitions”.

Speaking to his thousands of followers, Mr Barry, who claims to have predicted theBuncefield gas explosion in 2005, reeled off a list of things he expected to happen – including a new royal baby.

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