Las Vegas magician Jan Rouven charged wth child pornography

Las Vegas magician Jan Rouven charged wth child pornography

(Photo by David Becker) (Editor’s note.. We are reluctant to report stories of this sort, largely because of the possibility of the accused being found not guilty.. and then their reputation is irreparably damaged. This particular case is being reported because it is being reported by the FBI, and not solely a news agency.)

 Award-winning Las Vegas magician Jan Rouven kept over 3,400 child pornography videos on computers in his pool house, FBI officials said Wednesday.

Rouven, 38, the star of a Vegas Strip show called “The New Illusions,” sent an undercover agent videos of men having sex with boys in an online file sharing exchange in August, according to a federal complaint unsealed Wednesday at his detention hearing.

Investigators who traced Rouven’s IP address later searched the casita at his Las Vegas mansion, uncovering 3,486 kiddie porn videos and 111 pictures on Rouven’s iMac and external hard drive, FBI agents said. Rouven’s husband told agents he was angry because his partner looks at porn “24/7,” the complaint said.

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