MAGIC – by Harvey Raft – A Review

MAGIC – by Harvey Raft – A Review

MAGIC – Harvey Raft – A Review
Ebook Download

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This book mostly deals with decks of cards that Harvey has designed over the years. We have included with ALL of the effects in this books the graphics needed to print YOUR OWN DECKS. The face of the cards have been designed to be seen on a large stage. Harvey gave these faces a lot of thought and discovered that if he had lots of pips on the cards people could easily see them from a distance.

The backs might be different with different marking systems, but these are explained with each trick. You are supplied with downloads as PDFs so you have FULL ACCESS to print the cards yourself and can upload them to the various printing websites that offer this service. If you do print them off, you will have a unique deck of cards that most magicians will not own and will fool not only lay people but also your magic friends.

My Thoughts:

Harvey is a unique guy.. in that he spent the earlier part of his life performing as a clown. Not magic or mentalism, mind you.. but as a clown.. associated with the Shriners. Aside from voluntary work to raise money for Shriner hospitals, Harvey began to perform house parties and corporate events. He also co-wrote two books dealing with change bags and Christmas routines as well as co-created a number of different magic effects.

An untimely illness almost twenty years ago put Harvey out of business. But, you know what they say about keeping a good man down.. He attended a magic club meeting loaded with both magicians and mentalists, and the fire was re-lit.. Not just for magic.. but for his new-found appreciation for mentalism and mental magic.

During the past twenty years, Harvey has become, in my personal opinion, one of the foremost authorities on Zener cards.. and the use of Zener cards in mentalism. He has also created many other effects using his own specially crafted decks. I have spoke with Harvey numerous times via phone from his home in Toronto, and he has a mathematical mind to rival anyone I know. Period..

Aside from performing mentalism shows, he has over 50 effects published by Murphy’s Magic, which probably led to the publication of this ebook and it’s sister publication.. All For Fun and Fun For All..

Magic Squares, Zener Cards, Book Tests, Mnemonica – without the Mnemonics, Memorize TEN decks of cards, Shell Games, Image Cards, Super Zener, Flag Recognition, More Mental Picture Effects, Afghan Bands, Custom Zener Card Effects, Color Changing Water, Change Bag Effects, Movie Magic, Card Forces and Dice Tricks.

This is a partial list of the many different type effects in “MAGIC”. Most are number based and require mathematics to work properly. -But- they do not necessarily require you to use mathematics. Many use principles that require you to learn a basic method to derive the solution. For instance, a number in the first spot of a three digit number may represent a suit. The second and third numbers may represent a location. Using the numbers are a simple process and don’t require mental finesse on your part, only remembering a basic order or placement. As many effects use marked props or decks, the handling is simplified even more.. making your job an easy one..

A number of effects require a special deck. Harvey has designed the decks and included templates for you to have printed. He has also included printers he has used who he knows to be both reliable and affordable. For Harvey to provide all the decks in your purchase would cost hundreds and hundreds of dollars. Instead, you read the effects and decide what YOU like, and what you need to complete the effect. This allows you to have custom props and custom decks that make your performance an individual event.. something probably never seen by your audience.

With approximately 50 different effects in MAGIC, covering a very broad spectrum of performances, I can’t be overly specific with a wide array of examples. What I AM going to do is publish one of the many effects to give you focus on the type and quality of Harvey’s work. This effect, titled CARD SHARKS, shows the thinking behind the curtain. It allows ANY average magician/mentalist to know the identity of ANY one of over 500 cards in a stack. Personally, I think this is an amazing feat of memory.. that’s actually NOT a feat of memory, but appears to the audience to be just that..
(This effect will be available in Special Issue #12 of The Magic Roadshow.. which will publish around the end of February, 2022. Sign up now to receive this issue for free.)

I am recommending Harvey’s ebook to my friends and readers -if- you have any interest in performing mental feats, card magic with unique cards, or parlor magic effects with a very unique twist. MAGIC is one of the most original works out there, and
as such.. will be one of your best magic purchases ever if you’re willing to create the props and practice the magic.

MAGIC’s Editorial Director is Paul Romhany and all Artwork and Magic is courtesy of the author.. Harvey Raft.

I’ve included a short list of SOME of the many effects.. to give you a general idea of the content… (This is approx. half of the many effects)

5,000,000 To 1
A Moment in Time Super Magic Square
Be A Star
Card Shark
Dreamages Connection
Inflection Detection
Eye Detector
Super Sensory Touch Contact
Time on Your Hands
Total Premonition
What Number Please
What’s In A Name?
Zener Super Mind Power
Flag Recognition
I Get The Picture
I Am Able To Read Your Mind
Zener By Design
Projected Phantasm
Mental Pictures
Super Energy
Afghan Bands
Afgan Bands To Dove
Colour Changing Water

$35.00 .. Available from Murphy’s Magic and their Associates..

Review by Rick Carruth for Murphy’s Magic and The Magic Roadshow

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