Magic Circle elects Megan Knowles-Bacon as first female officer

Magic Circle elects Megan Knowles-Bacon as first female officer

Megan Knowles-Bacon has pulled a rabbit out of the hat. The 22-year-old has become the first female officer in the Magic Circle.

Miss Knowles-Bacon, whose unusual act combines ballet and magic, is the youngest person to be elected as an officer of the body which has represented magicians for more than a century.

Following a seven-month contest against an older, male candidate she was voted in as secretary, one of four voluntary roles at the top of the organisation.

She said she was “over the moon” at her election victory. She pledged to help draw more women to the Circle which, despite having accepted female members for 23 years, still has fewer than 100 women among its total membership of 1,400.

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