Magic Roadshow #159

Magic Roadshow #159

October 2014


Hello Folks..

Welcome to a new Magic Roadshow. If this is your first issue, I sincerely hope you find something inside that makes you want to come back. That’s our goal.

I hope all of you who celebrate Halloween, and all it’s various forms in different countries, have a GREAT one. I’m beyond the dressing up stage myself, but I so enjoy watching others dress as gouls and goblins, spooks and zombies, and all the variations…

This issue is a little late. I had to get away a little while before summer tucked it’s head and disappeared into the winter night. My wife, Carolyn, and I enjoyed several days at Murrel’s inlet and Pauley’s Island on the South Carolina coast. We love fresh seafood and shopping, so we were almost in Nirvana..

I also attended half the TRICS convention in Charlotte. Scott Robinson put on another wonderful close-up convention featuring the top talent in the world. If you get a chance to attend.. do it. This has become my favorite convention….

I’m going to keep things simple and get on with the magic..

If you have comments or questions.. EMAIL ME  ( )
   ~ In This Issue ~

-Strangers in the Night – A Con (sort of…)
-Genius is simplicity
-Magic Gone Wrong – Thank You Failure! By Lee Asher
-A Man Named Magick..
-Later Day Tricks – A Free PDF
-How to Force a Card with the Longitudinal Palm
-Faro Shuffle & Straddle Faro Shuffle Tutorial – How to Stack Cards –
-David Williamson’s Back – And He’s Rediculous – Genii Magazine
-Mind Your Decisions – The world’s best game theory and math puzzles e.
-Memory Effects – A Resource of Mental Marvels
-Magic Class Ka-Ching How anyone can run a magic class.
-Vanish Magazine.. Issue# 16
-Magician Business Podcasts
-Jim Stott’s Birthday Magicology
-1001 Motivational Quotes for Success
-Free eBooks For Subscribers….


An expert makes the difficult look easy, a showman makes the easy look spectacular..

If you think you can or if you think you can’t, either way you are right.

– Anthony Robbins

I can’t believe that God put us on this earth just to be ordinary.

– Lou Holtz

Strangers in the Night – A Con (sort of…)

‘Strangers in the Night’ was a Frank Sinatra classic. For some totally unknown reason, I woke one morning humming it, and I can honestly say it had to come from somewhere really deep in my noggin’. It did make me think of Frank Sinatra, the singer who made it a classic, and thinking of Sinatra maked me think of early Las Vegas. Thinking of early Vegas makes me think of a time when Vegas was on the threshold of ushering in what I call ‘scientific betting’… that’s betting that utilized both science and psychology to give the house an edge. Vegas changed the way people bet, it changed the way the average joe looked at gambling, and it created bookies who discovered they didn’t have to fix a game to win big. Although they were the last to change, smart Con Men learned from Vegas bookies that winning the ‘majority’ of the time was a much better strategy than trying to win 100% of the time.

This is one of my favorite ‘restaurant’ effects. I’m not big on card effects when working a restaurant, but I can’t resist this little ‘Con’…

Magician: My names’ Rick, and I’m a magician. Although I spend the vast majority of my time studying and practicing my magic, I have a fascination with gambling, gamblers, and con men. I’d like to show you a demonstration of a typical ‘con’, and how the modern confidence man uses both psychology and statistics to win the vast majority of the time.

( After laying down my close up pad, actually a smallish mouse pad, I take a small packet of cards from my pocket. Holding them face down in the palm of my left hand, I carefully lift the top card with my right hand, flip the top card momentarily for the customer to see, but only for half a second, and call it.. “Ace of Clubs”. I promptly turn it face down and drop it on the pad. I repeat the same with the Ace of Diamonds, then the Ace of Spades, and lastly the Ace of Hearts. The customer has legitimately seen each Ace as called. I pick up the packet and return it to my left palm…)

Magician: The Con Man would begin his con by flashing the four Aces. There’s no con in flashing the Aces.. but there IS a lot of paychology. Remember I mentioned that the modern confidence man uses psychology to win bets? Unlike Con Men of years past, they now have actual scientific studies to tell them how the typical ‘mark’ will react. Using these studies, they can predict with uncanny accuracy the odds of winning or losing. They don’t win every time, but they win the majority of the time… and that assures the bills are paid..

If you’re willing to play the part of the ‘Mark’, I’m willing to bet you 3 to 1, my three dollars against your 1 dollar, that you cannot  remember the correct order of the four Aces I showed you roughly 30 seconds ago. You see, science tells us that if you only glimpse something, as opposed to studying it, you will likely forget what you saw in 30 to 45 seconds. All the Con Man has to do is keep the Mark occupied for 30 seconds or more after showing the Aces – and you’ll forget what you saw. Statistically, at this stage of the con, 88% percent of the folks lose….   If you want to bet, let’s bet.. but if you aren’t sure of the order, I’ll offer you another bet with a better chance of winning.

(Nine out of Ten will not take a guess on the order of the four Aces.  I’ll tell you momentarily what to do if they do.. Assuming they don’t take the first bet.. the conversation goes like this…)

Magician: Let’s cut the number of Aces you need to remember in half. That will increase your chances of winning by a factor of two.

( I pick up the packet and deal the top two cards, face down, to the customer. I pull the top card of the remaining cards I hold about an inch to the left of the bottom card, then turning the two cards face up as one for the customer to get a quick peek, then lay both face down maintaining the same position) (see picture)

Magician: Did you see my two Aces? Hold your thoughts for a moment, or 30.. Remember the 30 second rule I mentioned earlier? Well, it still applies. In roughly 20 more seconds, odds are you’re going to forget what you saw, or at least become unsure enough that you’ll lose your confidence. Scientific studies tell the Con Man he’s going to win 75% of the time at this stage. Certainly that’s not as good as the 88% I mentioned earlier, but it’s still good enough… Ready to guess?  ( Some will… depending on how long you flashed the Aces.)

( If your customer guessed the four Aces correctly earlier, tell them that they’re sitting on 3 dollars of your money. Bet them an even 10 dollars they can’t guess which two Aces they’re holding. )

(Since you flashed the Ace of Clubs and the Ace of Hearts, the customer guesses his two are the Ace of Diamonds and Spades.. )

Magician: Unfortunately, the Con Man doesn’t win every time. Even with a 75% success rate, he still loses 25% of the time to sharp folks like yourself. ( I slowly turn MY two Aces face up, revealing the Ace of Clubs and Hearts, and lay them face up on the table ) You’re right.. you have the Spade and Diamond, and were you betting with a Con Man.. you would have kicked his butt. Fortunately for me, I’m not a Con Man.. I’m a magician.. and unlike Con Men.. magicians win 100% of the time. It’s all in the Magic….

( I turn over the customers two cards to reveal the Queen of Spades and the Queen of Diamonds.. )

There is nothing proprietary about this trick. The response you get when the customer sees the two Queens though IS special. Your packet contains the following, face down, from top to bottom: Ace of Clubs, Ace of Diamonds, Ace of Spades, the two Queens, and the Ace of Hearts. You begin by showing the Club, Diamond, Spade, and the last three as one – showing the Heart on the bottom.

-IF- the customer should guess the order correctly, show the four Aces and congratulate them. Tell them they would have won your three dollars, but, like any good Con Man, you’re going to give them a chance to win even more.

Regardless of whether they bet on the four Aces.. you pick up the packet and place the top card, one of the Queens, in front of the customer. Now place the second card in front of the customer. You’re holding all four Aces. Making sure the packet is square, gently slide the top card to the left about an inch. Turn this packet to the customer, giving him a glimpse of the top and bottom Ace, the Club and Heart, and lay the packet on the mat in the same configuration. NOTE: I use Bicycle Arch Angels. They are very thin. Holding three cards as one is fairly easy with this brand. Sliding the top card to the left as pictured hides the edge of the three cards from the customer. Bicycle Carnival and Aviation brand also work excellently..

All you have to do at this point is make sure the three Aces stay tightly together. Again, the speed which you show your two Aces determines the number of customers betting at this point.

In the event the customer still isn’t sure what Aces he holds, give him one last chance. Pick your four Aces up just as you set them down, casually as talking.. take the top offset Ace and move it to the bottom, still offset about an inch to the left. Turn the packet over.. and lay it down. The top offset Ace STILL conceals the left edge of the three Aces from the customer.

This even money bet seems a little ridiculous to the customer, until he loses…

As for the betting.. the customer who guessed the four Aces won 3 dollars.. and lost 10.. The other customers all lost their original bet, whatever it was.. 100% of the time. I didn’t go into detail about this because there are too many smart magicians out there who will come up with their own patter and bets. You can give the customer a dollar at the beginning of the effect and tell him it’s his to keep.. and bet.. if you want to increase the gambling aspect.

This effect works because the customer is NOT looking for a ‘trick’.. He thinks his memory and powers of observation are being challenged.

Rick Carruth



Всё гениальное просто.  –  Genius is simplicity.


EFFECT:The Performer begins with his favorite lines about the mysteries of mind reading. A spectator is invited to assist. He then asks the spectator to look through the deck and remove his favorite card and three other random cards. It is not important whether the magi sees the selected cards. After the selection, the magi turns his back and asks the spectator to place his favorite card face down on the table. The spectator is then asks to place a second random card FACE DOWN on top of the favorite. Next, the spectator is to place one of the two remaining cards FACE UP on top of the two cards. And lastly, place the one remaining card FACE DOWN on the three card packet.

The magi asks the spectator to take the four card packet and cut it, cut it, cut it…

Once done, the spectator is asked to place the packet in the hands of the magi.. which are behind his back. Once done, the magi turns to face the spectator, leaving the packet in his hands behind his back. The magi tells the spectator that he (the spectator) has left a psychic impression upon each card he touched, and the most viable of the four psychic impressions was left on the one favorite card of the spectator.

The magi informs the spectator that he will attempt to turn the one upside down card in the same direction as the two random cards.. and turn the card selected by the spectator as his favorite in the opposite direction from the other three.

Momentarily, the magi brings the packet to the forefront.. and the three indifferent cards are all facing one way – and the favorite card is the only card facing the opposite way.

Somehow, the magi has found the one upside down card, turned it the same direction as the other two indifferent cards.. and found the favorite card and reversed it in the packet.. using ONLY psychic touch. (Yeah, right)


Once the magi has the cards behind his back, and out of sight of the spectator, he turns the FIRST and THIRD cards around. Reversing these two cards will cause the three indifferent cards to face the same way.. and the favorite card to become the only card the opposite direction. This is strictly a mathematical effect, but it works every time. (Sometimes when you bring the packet to the forefront the three indifferent cards will be face up and the favorite card face down. Other times the favorite will be face up and the three others face down.)

This effect was previously published in the Journal of the Finnish Magicians by Petri Kansonen. Petri believes the effect was made famous in Russia by magician Arutjun Akopjan, perhaps in the 60’s or 70’s.. Both of us believe the method may have been incorporated in other effects at a much earlier time, but we cannot find any solid references to support this..


Magic Gone Wrong – Thank You Failure! By Lee Asher


“You might never fail on the scale I did, but some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you migt as well not have lived at all – in which case, you FAIL by default.” – J.K. Rowling (Author of The Harry Potter Series)

Have you ever performed magic for a group of people, only to realize the routine isn’t going to end as expected? Do you remember the feeling you got when it happened? Terrible! Most magicians can relate, because if you’ve ever presented magic before, you’ve probably been in that kind of situation. Maybe even more than once?

As a beginner, for me, it happened a lot. Nonetheless, those initial experiences shaped me into the performer I am today. With time and practice though, I learned to limit my amount of failure.

Currently as a professional, it rarely happens. Though, when stuff goes awry these days, it makes a meaningful, albeit painful, impact on me.

Recently, I was asked to perform at the Atlanta Harvest Magic Convention. It’s a wonderful get-together filled with warm & compassionate folk. In one of the rooms, for the formal close-up show with over hundred pairs of eyes watching, I failed miserably with a set I’d been performing for a while.

How you ask? To make a long story short, my pre-arranged card stack was out of order. It’s completely my fault and I take all of the blame!

In general terms, I constructed the set so each routine utilized my stack in specific ways. As you can imagine, a single card being out of place, starts a domino effect which can lead to utter failure…and that’s exactly what happened.

The point of this story isn’t about what I could have done to save the set, or what I should have done in this situation, rather it’s about dealing with that moment of failure. Most people move past it or rarely discuss it because it’s not enjoyable, but it’s something that everyone needs to learn about.

While the technical occurrence is swift & brief, the effects of failure last for years. Uncomfortable is putting it lightly!

At the moment of my failure that day, I became drenched in (flop) sweat, my heart pounded & raced, and I felt nauseated. Meanwhile, my brain shot into overdrive, and started searching for realistic solutions to end this feeling of misery. It’s similar to the feeling you receive when riding a frightening roller coaster. (Can you tell I HATE roller coasters?)

When my ride came to an end, I was off-kilter for the rest of the day. Part of me wanted to go upstairs, and hide in my room. But my training has taught me not to let my emotions, especially fear, stop me from living the CardStar Lifestyle. Again, thankfully, the Atlanta Harvest was filled with loving & compassionate people.

Breathe – It’s hard to take a breath when the wind has been knocked out of you! But with each breath, comes the strength & courage to pick yourself up and get back on your feet.

Forgive – The pain of failing is bad enough, so there’s no need to make it any worse. It always helps to conscientiously forgive yourself, so you can immediately move forward.

Live – As long as you’re not performing a dangerous stunt which goes wrong, you will live to see another day. Tomorrow always offers another chance to be better.

Ultimately, I’ve been given the opportunity to improve something that needs more work. How often does a realization like that come along? While most might ignore the chance, I accept the challenge. I assure you that the next time our paths cross, my set will be drastically different.

Thanks for all the encouragement, failure. I couldn’t have done it without you!

Lee Asher

ps. For those who have interest in how I ended my set … After realizing the deck was out of order, I gave the audience a large smile, immediately transitioned into a several quick impromptu routines, finished up with the other set-up deck in my pocket, then gracefully exited off the stage.

Breathe… remember to breathe.

Lee Asher develops original sleight of hand magic based on his lifetime experience as a magician. He looks at the art of magic from a real-world perspective and approaches it with skills very few possess. His site provides free tips, quality information about card magic, plus paid tutorials on his authentic material designed for rising magicians and hobbyists alike.


A Man Named Magick..


Thanks to Jim at The Magic Portal ( ) for leading me to this link. If you’ve ever visited Fantasma in New York City chances are you’ve met the subject of this short film.. Magick Balay. Magick constantly floors visitors to this iconic magic shop with his wit, wisdom, and talent. Watch this 13 minute film…

“Meet Magick Balay, a man who works for a New York City magic shop by day, while performing his own brand of legerdemain at night. This documentary follows Magick as he plies his trade through the streets of Manhattan, leaving his spectators shocked.  Along the way, Magick describes his philosophy on life, the theories behind his magical techniques, and the satisfaction of bringing amazement into the everyday lives of ordinary people.”

“Why would a man dedicate his life to magic and mystery?  How did he get started?  Why does he go by the name Magick?”

“A MAN NAMED MAGICK is a close-up portrait of a charismatic guy whose greatest magical feat might just be how he has transformed himself through his art.”


Later Day Tricks – A Free PDF
A. Roterberg


This book, a follow-up to ‘The Modern Wizard’, accomplished something few books on magic achieve – they detail almost 40 effects… without a single card trick! For those of you who perform close-up using a variety of different items,  (handkerchiefs, dice, flowers, hats, coins, sand, water, glasses, and paper) you’ll pick up some great ideas from Mr. Roterberg..

“In issuing “The Modern Wizard” of which the present volume is a sequel, I somewhat underrated the space I had allowed for the description of such modern tricks that do not require a great deal of apparatus and therefore was obliged to omit a number of them, a description of which will be found in the following pages together with a number of new tricks that have come out since the publication of the first work.”


How to Force a Card with the Longitudinal Palm


Nice video using a longitudinal palm to force a card. If you aren’t familiar with the palm, you will be by the end of the video. Everything is layed out in a simple and straight forward manner for the viewer.. and all you need to do is add the practice.


Faro Shuffle & Straddle Faro Shuffle Tutorial – How to Stack Cards – Video Tutorials


The Faro Shuffle is the only shuffle that allows you to maintain a distinct degree of control over a shuffled deck. Yes, there are false shuffles that accomplish control as well, but they do not allow you to actually shuffle the deck. I think that is the reason the Faro is an often practiced, rarely mastered shuffle.

“In this video I explain the Faro shuffle (In-Faro and Out-Faro) and the difference of with the Straddle Faro Shuffle. Almost at the end, I’ll show you a variation on how to stack up cards for a winning hand.”


David Williamson’s Back – And He’s Rediculous – Genii Magazine


Yes.. THAT David Williamson. Here’s a great article by David Britland that captures the very unique style of one of magic’s most unconventional and idiosyncratic personalities. If you’ve had the pleasure of watching David perform, you know exactly what I mean…

This PDF is a reproduction of two articles that appeared in Genii magazine in December… full color pictures included.

The second article, “The Vanishing Man”, by John Lovick, explores David from another interesting angle.

“There’s candles everywhere. I don’t know who all the guys were but it’s a bunch of old gray-haired magicians that you never talk to because you’re the cool teenagers.
But Jay Marshall was definitely there…
They were all sitting around this candlelit table. It was very intimidating. They had towels on their heads like Swamis…”



Mind Your Decisions – The world’s best game theory and math puzzles.


I can spend long periods of time, time I could be working on a new Roadshow, hanging around Presh’s site. There’s tons of really good material here…

Game Theory
This website has over 300 articles on game theory to help you understand the science of strategy. Here is a sampling of the more popular articles.
What’s the best way to divide restaurant bills fairly?

Game theory in The Dark Knight movie
How game theory solved a religious mystery

Expense tracker and budget spreadsheet
Preview (42,500+ downloads of spreadsheets as of December 2012)
In my first job, I started writing down everything I earned and spent.

I created a simple spreadsheet that I shared on this site and thousands

of people have enjoyed using to get their finances in track.

Math Puzzles
Can you solve it? There are over 100 math puzzles on this website.


Memory Effects –  A Resource of Mental Marvels
by Scott Cram


I’ve featured this link and PDF in the past.. but it’s such a great resource I felt compelled to run it again. First, check out Scott’s blog at:

Grey Matters •

Then, download 66 pages of great resources and information…




Free Mentalism Tutorial: How To Do A Stunning Mentalism Effect That Will ASTONISH ANYONE (You Can Master It In Less Than One Day)


Magic Class Ka-Ching   How anyone can run a magic class and potentially earn $$ for 30 Minutes of Work.


My friend, Julian Mather, has put together a pdf that explains in detail EVERYTHING you need to know, including the tricks, to offer magic classes to youth.. Although he charges a few dollars for the pdf.. it’s well worth it. (I receive nothing from the sale of this pdf. I offer it as a resource because I own it.. and I really like it)

This book is a blueprint that gives you every detail you need to know to start going to places where they need younger children engaged and stimulated in a controlled setting. Places like after school care, summer camp, vacation care, extra lunchtime lessons.

Places like this crave new programs to keep their kids engaged. They also like when these programs have an educational flavour to them. They also like their programs to be affordable. What you will learn here gives them all of the above.

Once you understand the process you can look at the 130 so free videos I have already made for you and you can begin to create new programs with your own ideas. It doesn’t take much to see that you could create your own suite of lessons that could generate you much more than the one you will discover here today.


Vanish Magazine.. Issue# 16
A FREE interactive magazine for magicians who share a passion for the art of magic.


Started by Paul Romhany in Feburary 2012, VANISH has grown to an audience of over 100,000 from over 45 countries around the world. The magazine averages over 150 pages per issue and, best of all, all issues published within the current year are FREE. Yes, you read that right!

Edition 16 – The cover story in this issue is Mat Franco, winner of this years America’s Got Talent. Read them on your Kindle, iPad, Android and computer.




Magician Business Podcasts


Ken Kelly and Julian Mather over at have consistently knocked it out the park with their recent podcasts. If you think marketing is important to a magician, then have a listen. If you think increasing your average fees from a few hundred to several thousand, have a listen. And if you think picking the mind of one of the largest magic marketers on the planet is a cool thing to do.. then HAVE A LISTEN….
Cruise Ship Magic Part 1
What does a Cruise Director Expect From A Cruise Ship Magician?

Ahoy Magician Business listeners … Stephen Cloete is a Cruise Director (Entertainments Director) for the 3rd Largest shipping line in the world.  This means he is responsible for all the entertainment on board plus he’s also a headline magic act. Stephen has great insights into the Cruise Ship industry and just where the magic act  and the performing artist fits into all of this.
Marvin’s Magic Marketing Tips
Marvin Berglas is the man behind the number one brand in magic worldwide, Marvin’s Magic. Marvin’s Magic develop, manufacture and  distribute magic products in 64 countries to a range of people from beginners to executives.
The Magic of Smart Business and Hard Work
How to move from $300 to $5K gigs

Today’s guests are 2 people who didn’t give into the resistance that stops so many of us from playing bigger and earning higher fees. They are now earning manyfold what they were just 12 months ago. Their’s is a story about taking a leap of faith, of leaving secure employment to follow dreams, of putting information into action rather than just sitting on it.


Jim Stott’s Birthday Magicology


The easiest way to learn how to be a successful children’s entertainer without a lot of work struggling to get started, without buying high-priced bootcamps, courses or seminars, and without waiting around for results is finally here. Introducing . . .

Birthday Magicology -How to
Develop a Show, Get Clients, and Make Money as a Birthday Party Magician




1001 Motivational Quotes for Success


A free 260 page pdf with 1001 motivational quotes for every situation.


Get Pro Magic – Learn Magic Tricks RIGHT NOW!

Web resource for amateur and professional magicians or anyone interested learning the art of Magic. Instantly down loadable. will teach you incredible tricks that you can perform at home as soon as you receive the information from this site. Also, a selection of FREE effects.


Free eBooks For Subscribers….

Here’s a link where you can download a variety of free ebooks, including Erdnase’ Expert At The Card Table… If you are not a subscriber, you can sign up HERE..


LIKE us on FaceBook..


Be SURE to visit MAGIC NEWS. Unless you’ve visited in the past 24 hours, you’ve not read the latest.


That does it for this issue. I hope you found something to help your magic studies along. Remember, if you have something you would like to share with the magic community, send it to:


“May my next issue find you well..”

Rick Carruth / Editor

Senior Professor – Camelard College of Conjuring of Chemmis, Egypt
“Magic’s Only Worldwide Honor Society”


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