Magic Roadshow #175

Magic Roadshow #175

April 2016

Hello Friends..

Yes, it’s that time again. Just when you found time to delete last months Roadshow from your over-worked inbox.. here comes another one!

All month it occurs to me little ditties I could add to this section of the newsletter.. And then, when the time comes, I can’t remember a single one. Isn’t getting old a blast!

Some of you guys have asks that I add a few extra lines to this section.. and a few more think I should get straight to the magic.. So, for those of you who think the latter, scroll on down to Paul’s latest effect and 2ignore the following….

PDF Version..  ROADSHOW 175

 This issue, #175, is important to me. I set certain goals, and reaching #175 was my most recent goal. I published issue #100 on April 28th, 2009, and seriously thought that would be my last. I was publishing two issues a month and I think I was burnt out. I was also trying to write many of the articles myself and didn’t have the support of many of the great writers I have now.. which was my own fault.. as I felt a need to do everything myself. Cutting back to one issue a month helped, but I began making each issue longer. That has seemed to work better for me, as I now have one deadline to deal with instead of two. My next goal? Issue #200… naturally. It will be two more years before that one rolls around, and, God willing, I can write another little paragraph and mentioned how good it feels to hit the big 2-0-0 ! Thank you for subscribing.. and THANK YOU for reading. 

The little lady of the house and myself were in the Myrtle Beach area last weekend, supposedly to look at condos. We had scoured the internet for several days to get an idea of what’s available, and found several that looked particularly inviting. Unfortunately, all the distractions and shopping were a little much and we’ll have to go back.. probably when we have mo’ money. Looks like I’m going to have to start buying twice as many lottery tickets…    

Riding to the beach and back with Carolyn re-enforced the fact that everyone who rides with me gets upset because I don’t use the turn signal. Personally, I don’t think its anyones business where I’m going…. Am I in the minority here?

“Do you have a song stuck in your head that you’d like to forget? Think of the end of the song. According to the Zeigarnik Effect, your mind tends to think of things left unfinished, so thinking of the end of the song will close the loop and allow you to get the song out of your head…”

Comments or Questions?  EMAIL ME  ( )


  • Presto-Chang0 Againo –   Paul Lelekis
  • ‘Cram Session’ Disc 1 & 2 – Over 3 Hours of On line Video Instruction & Performance.
  • 5 Of History’s Greatest Magic Tricks Explained..
  • 5 More Of History’s Greatest Magic Tricks Explained…
  • The ‘Truth’ About Exposure..  An Editorial.. of sorts.
  • SPACE TIME  – Tom Elderfield..  a Review
  • Bob Solari’s ABANDONED  – A Review
  • How to Cheat and Look Like You Can Solve the Rubik’s Cube – Video
  • 7 Magic Tricks with Paper – Video Tutorial
  • 10 Ways to Force A Card – Video Tutorial
  • 10 FIRE Magic Tricks Revealed – Video Tutorials
  • The Magic Of Haruo Shimada – By David J O’Connor
  • Cardmen’s Get Together –  Video
  • Magic Lecture – Sleight of Hand and Beliefs
  • Tommy Wonder Lecture –  Video
  • Comedy Hypnotist | The Incredible Boris | TEDxYouth@Toronto 
  • The Mentalist | Ronn Winter | TEDxHickory – performance
  • Action Packed –  A Free PDF
  • Free Magic Ebook Downloads – Free from Magic-ebooks
  • Bet You Can’t !  –  Science Impossibilities to Fool You..  PDF
  • (One From the Archives) Numberphile – A Very Impressive ‘Sleight of Numbers’ – Tutorial
  • The 30 Most Influential People on the Internet
  • The 20 Most Popular TED Talks of All Time –  Videos


“Everyone should be able to do one card trick, tell two jokes, and recite three poems, in case they are ever trapped in an elevator.”  Lemony Snicket, Horseradish

“The first step in exceeding your customer’s expectations is to know those expectations.”
Roy H. Williams, Author Wizard of Ads Triology

Paul Lelekis

This is my rendition of a Thomas Bearden effect with touches by Mike Skinner.  This routine was a favorite “opener” for Skinner.  However the way Skinner “got in” to this routine was pretty complicated…but he was Michael Skinner – and we’re not.

Thomas Bearden’s coin trick, Presto Chango, from JB Bobo’s classic book, New Modern Coin Magic, is a terrific routine that Michael Skinner used often, to “open” at tables when he was the resident-magician at the Gold Nugget in Las Vegas.

My rendition uses the basic idea of Bearden and some touches by Skinner, but my routine mostly varies by the way I “get into and get out” of this routine.

This is an easy to do, yet outstanding effect!  It is amazing!

EFFECT: A copper and silver coin is shown.  The coins change into both copper then both silver a number of times and then change back to one copper and one silver.

SET UP: You need a copper English penny, an American half dollar and a gaff copper/silver coin that matches the other two coins.  I keep these in a small Goshman change purse.

The coins are placed into the Goshman purse in the following order:  On the bottom of the stack is the C/S coin (copper side down), on top of this place the copper penny and on top of all, place the silver half.  Place this stack into the purse…they will not change order.

METHOD: Hold the change purse, open it and look for the silver coin.  If you view the stack from one side, you’ll see 2 copper coins and a silver coin on the bottom.

If you view the stack from the top, you’ll see a copper coin sandwiched by two silver coins.  You want the silver coin to be upper-most.

Reach into the purse and get your right fingers beneath the stack.  In other words you want your fingers against the copper side of the C/S coin.

You want the audience to be aware of ONLY TWO coins!  Adjust the stack in your hands so that the C/S coin is snuggled at the base of your two middle fingers.  Allow the other two coins to slide a little closer to your fingertips.

Casually toss the real copper and silver coins into your left hand and then adjust the C/S coin so that it is in finger palm and held by the ring and pinkie fingers – the silver side of the C/S coin will be facing out.  I usually place my right thumb onto the C/S coin as I toss the other two coins into my left hand.

Adjust these two coins so that the silver coin is near your left fingertips and the copper coin is in your palm.

You will begin by picking up the copper coin with your right fingertips (keeping the C/S coin in right hand finger palm) and gently tossing it back to your left palm, several times, with your right fingertips – of course the C/S coin remains hidden.

The silver coin is kept on your left middle fingers near the tips.

The repeated tossing of the copper coin into your left hand is the first part of the Bobo Switch.  Do NOT be hurried as you toss the copper coin into your left hand.  It is only a casual display of a normal coin while pattering.

However, this tossing of the coin while pattering will mimic the Bobo Switch when you actually do it.  You will be tossing the coin through most of this effect.

NOTE: It is IMPORTANT to keep the finger palmed C/S coin, lower in your right hand, by your pinkie and ring fingers – NOT by the middle and ring fingers.  Those who know the Bobo Switch know that it will keep the coins from “talking”.  The Bobo Switch is a very easy sleight to perform.

Repeat the tossing as you say:

“This copper coin is an English penny and hasn’t been minted since 1981 because the price of copper got too high to make their values feasible.  As a boy I loved magic but I was also fascinated with these beautiful coins!”

After you patter, stop tossing and keep the copper coin in your right hand, held by the right index finger and thumb.  Adjust the copper coin, held by your right hand index finger and thumb, so that it is held between the right thumb tip and nearer to the middle phalange of the right index finger.

Use the copper coin in your right hand to tap the silver coin on your left fingertips.  Then use your left fingers to flip the silver coin over and onto your left palm.

When you flip the silver coin over onto your left palm, patter about the half dollar and how it is made of silver “…and how I loved the shiny silver coins as a child!”

ATTENTION! This is a strong bit of misdirection…as soon as the silver coin is flipped over onto your left palm, bring your right hand, palm down, over your left palm and casually lay the C/S coin onto your left fingertips, copper side up.

All eyes will be on the left hand…this is when, you will adjust the real copper coin into your left hand, into low right hand finger palm.

This casual switch will go completely unchallenged.  You now have the C/S coin, copper side up, on your left fingers and the silver coin is on your left palm.  The spectators have NO reason to believe the C/S coin is not the copper coin.

HINT: The psychology of the above actions should NOT be ignored or even minimized.  Follow the above procedures and your spectators will be completely satisfied that everything is exactly the way it seems to be, and both coins are perfectly normal. 

Remember – the audience has NO clue as to what you’re doing, so they will suspect nothing. 

As I said earlier, this was a favorite routine of Michael Skinner’s and he loved to perform it while table-hopping.

The above action is NOT the Bobo Switch, but is a sure way of introducing the C/S coin without accidently flashing the “wrong side”.  This is the only time during this routine that you will perform this action – all the other coin actions for the rest of this trick will be the Bobo Switch.

NOTHING will appear to have happened, but you’ve switched in a coin that the spectators have just “seen you toss over and over” onto your left hand.

Situation Check: The silver coin will now be on your left hand palm, and the C/S coin on left fingers.  The real copper coin will be in low right-hand finger palm.  This “low” palm will keep the coins from “talking” each time you perform the Bobo Switch.

Now the routine actually begins:

Your right hand now picks up the silver coin from your left open palm and tosses it back into the left hand, over and over as you patter.

Phase 1: Change both coins to silver –
Keep the C/S coin (copper side up!) on your middle fingers of your out-stretched left hand, but closer to the tips of the left fingers.

On this first change, technically, no Bobo Switch occurs.  Just keep picking up and tossing the silver coin onto your open left palm and then as soon as the silver coin falls back onto your left palm, quickly close and open your left hand.

The above action will flip over the C/S coin so that it is now silver side up.  You apparently now hold two silver coins!  The sudden closing and opening of your left hand to reveal “the change”, is quite startling!

This first change occurs in just a split second (left hand closing and opening) and all of the following sequences should all appear to be exactly the same as this one.

Move the C/S coin (now silver side up) back out near your left fingertips, keeping the silver coin on your left palm.  The copper coin, still in low right hand finger palm, is hidden from view.

Phase 2: Change silver coins to copper –

Pick up the real silver coin and begin tossing it onto your open left palm, over and over as you say, “…but as a child I wanted to use the copper coins to do magic because they were so unusual and clinky!”

Just as you finish the above patter, perform the Bobo Switch as follows:

Clip the real silver coin against your right index finger with your right thumb as you release the copper coin so that it flies into your left hand, quickly closing your left hand.  Quietly adjust the silver coin into low right-hand finger palm.

The INSTANT that the copper coin flies into your left hand, snap your left hand closed, flipping over the C/S coin again and immediately open you left hand showing two copper coins!  This is another startling change.

Push the C/S coin (now copper side up) back out again, onto your left fingers and pick up the real copper coin from your left palm.

Stage 3: Change both copper coins back to silver –
Proceed as before, only this time, you pick up the real copper coin and toss onto your left hand over and over as you say the patter below.

“As a kid, I liked the shiny copper coins…but if I wanted to buy candy, comic books, or if I wanted to see little Jenny’s panties, I needed REAL money!”

NOTE: If you are performing children, omit the reference to “little Jenny”!

Just as you say the above line, clip the copper coin in right hand thumb grip and release the silver coin, snapping your left hand closed again and immediately opening it back up to display two silver coins!  THIS is the Bobo Switch!

Quietly adjust the copper coin into low right-hand finger palm.

When you close your left hand, it will flip over the C/S coin so that the silver side is upward, and then you immediately open it to show two silver coins!  This change is even more spectacular because BOTH coins have apparently changed!

Move the C/S coin (silver side upward) back out onto the left-hand fingertips, leaving the silver coin on your open palm.

Stage 4: Again coins change from silver to copper –

Repeat the tossing actions of the, now, silver coin, over and over into your left palm as you patter:

“But I liked performing coin magic with the copper coins so I would often have to change them back!

Continue the same actions as above, performing the Bobo Switch, as you change the silver coin that you are tossing and switch in the copper coin, again.

Open your left hand displaying two copper coins.  Push the C/S coin out onto your fingers again and move the real copper coin to your left palm.

This is the last sequence that you will perform, but “getting out” of a routine is as important as “getting in”!

Stage 5: Everything returns to “normal” –

Resume tossing the copper coin into your left hand, over and over, as you say:

“However as I grew older I became wiser and I learned temperance and virtue…and now keep both copper and silver!  Well, actually I never learned anything about temperance…OR virtue…I just like shiny, clinky coins!”

Just as you finish the above patter, toss the copper coin back into your left hand one more time, and close your left hand – WITHOUT performing the Bobo Switch!

Keep the silver coin, finger palmed in your right hand.  However, this time when you close your left hand, turn it palm down and pretend you are “kneading dough” or anything else, and use your right fingers to “Snap!” over the left hand…remember, the silver coin is still in finger palm in your right hand.

Turn your left hand back up and open it showing a copper and a silver coin!  Remember that the “silver coin” is actually the C/S coin.

Push the C/S coin (still silver side upward) out onto your left fingers…but more into left hand finger palm position.  This will signify the end of this routine – but now for the “clean-up”.

Relax your demeanor to indicate that the trick is over.  You will now “Shuttle Pass” the copper coin into your right hand.  In other words, you will keep the C/S coin, which is silver side up, in left hand finger palm.

ONLY the copper coin be tossed into your right hand and will join the real silver coin.  Give your patrons a quick glimpse of both sides of the coins in your right hand.

Stack the two real coins (the silver coin is uppermost!) with your right hand fingers and place them on top of the C/S coin (silver side still upward), closing your hand.  Immediately reach for the coin purse with your right hand.

Open the coin purse and show the inside of the purse.  There is no reason to actually show the purse, but it provides even further misdirection from the coins in your left hand!

Put the coins away – you will be automatically reset for your next performance!

DO NOT pass this effect up!  It is a beauty and really “wows” the spectators!

You can view ALL of Paul’s ebooks, currently 25 and growing, at .. They are, undoubtedly, some of the best values in all of magic.. Many are considered underground classics and several NEW publications are on the short list…


Cram Session Disc 1 & 2 – An Encyclopedia of Card Handling Fundamentals –  Video

Although titled ‘Disc 1’ and ‘Disc 2’ both of these links take you to Youtube videos, watchable entirely on-line. Nothing to download.. although they do provide a Dropbox link that permits the viewer to download the files in DVD quality in the even you want to burn to a disc.     

Folks, this is over 3 Hours of instructions and performance tutorials.. Both videos are time well spent.. The second video features performances on the street, but the effects are certainly not limited to those of you who perform street magic. 

Disc 1

“Whether you want to be a pro card magician or just an undetectable card cheat, this series is for you. Back in 2005, my friend Turner and I created a 3.5 hour, two disc card magic instructional DVD set. He came up with the material and I produced, directed, filmed, edited, financed, etc.. We didn’t have the money to market the discs, so the whole project simply fizzled out. This video is disc one of that set.”

“Disc one is purely educational and is designed to serve as an encyclopedia of card sleights every aspiring magician (or card shark) should know. Disc two is more fun to watch because in it, Turner brings it all together performing full effects for random people on the street.”

The following techniques and sleights are explained in this order on video 1:
1) General Handling
2) Pinky/Thumb Break
3) Overhand Shuffle
4) Overhand Control
5) Underground Overhand
6) Hindu Shuffle
7) Hindu Glimpse
8) Hindu Force
9) Hindu Control
10) Zarrow Shuffle
11) Slop Shuffle
12) Riffle Force
13) Toss Up Force
14) Switching vs. Changing
15) Top Change
16) Thumb Change
17) Classic Color Change
18) Chameleon Color Change
19) Tip Over Change
20) Braue Addition
21) Double/Triple Lift
22) Glimpse
23) False Cutting
24) Double Undercut
25) Charlier Cut
26) Stretch Cut
27) Flourishes
28) Super Special Bonus Effect!


Disc 2

In this disc, Turner employs all of the fundamentals you learned in disc one.The result is some awesome street magic with random strangers. Each effect is completely broken down for you in remarkable detail.

In disc two, the following effects are demonstrated in this order:
1) Dimensia
2) Flatliner
3) Identity Theft
4) Lock and Card
5) Flashcard
6) Mind Blender
7) Diabolical Ambitions
8) New Age Monte
9) St. Louis Ashes
10) And a final thought at the end


5 Of History’s Greatest Magic Tricks Explained..

Ever wondered how Penn and Teller caught a bullet, or Derren Brown played Russian Roulette?

Perhaps the title should have been ‘5 of History’s Greatest Magic Tricks Speculated Upon..”. Although interesting, this article does not fully explain all the ‘secrets’…although there ARE a couple of good guesses. The author says:

“Let’s get one thing straight: I love magic. Part of the beauty of a great magic trick is in the not knowing, the willingness to accept the illusion, the joy of being fooled. This is why new inductees to the ‘Magic Circle’ (international magicians’ guild) swear solemn oaths of secrecy, vowing never to share the details of their illusions with the world.”

“However, I don’t rank among their number, and while I enjoy being deceived I also get a kick out of appreciating the skill and craftsmanship that goes into such iconic stunts as metamorphosis, bullet-catching and levitation. So, without further ado, join me as I uncover the subterfuge, duplicity and sheer showmanship behind the ten greatest magic tricks in history…”

Thanks to
Michael Lyth for the link!


5 More Of History’s Greatest Magic Tricks Explained

Following on from last week’s magical revelations, here’s 5 more of the most famous tricks in the book revealed, from levitation to escaping from a straightjacket…


The ‘Truth’ About Exposure..  An Editorial.. of sorts.

I feel I should offer my thoughts on exposure. I realize I might make someone mad, but it’s not my goal to make everyone happy… I know I can’t.

Exposure is bad. Exposure sucks the air out of the life-lungs of magic and should be avoided at all cost. That said.. here is the hypocrisy.

I publish a newsletter intended for magicians. I reveal secrets.. (although a few of you probably think the jury is still out on that one.) Although readers are required to sign up to receive notification of new issues, there is nothing to stop anyone from finding the Roadshow in Google and exploring every link and reading every article.

By the same token, there is nothing to stop anyone with a credit card, or a computer and a torrent down loader, from buying or stealing virtually ANY magic publication in the world. Any magician who sells their PDF’s, books, or DVD’s on line is inviting exposure. Any magic shop that sells their products on line to anyone with a credit card or Paypal account invites exposure.

This is the nature of the internet. What can we do about it?

Much of nothing..really.

With 13 year olds more than willing to expose a premium magic effect on Youtube, we are all paddling upstream. With twenty videos popping up for every one taken down.. we are, again,  paddling upstream. Technology has not caught up with magic. Although there’s sophisticated pdf technology available, it’s not truly up to par to cover the needs of todays magicians. Oh, a few require passwords.. and a few are labeled with the name of the purchaser… but by and large we can’t stop the scammers. Only Time will remedy this situation. One day, PDFs will be encrypted so they can only be read by the purchaser. Youtube videos will be licensed in a manner preventing anyone from publishing any thing not theirs..  And the courts will shore up the rights of developers, allowing them to go after anyone stealing their material. 

I suppose we can shut down Google and Youtube, sue Adobe for inferior PDF software, go after companies that manufacture magic DVD’s, and clog up the court systems with thousands of copyright violation cases… But it’s not going to happen. We are going to have to learn to live with a degree of exposure -until- technology catches up with reality. Thankfully, just as most folks who love music never attempt to learn the piano or master the violin, most fans of magic are not concerned about what goes on behind the curtain …  We need to concentrate on entertaining the vast majority.. and let the distinct minority entertain themselves with their stolen secrets…      

Rick Carruth


SPACE TIME  – Tom Elderfield

Space Time is the latest creation of Tom Elderfield, the same gentleman responsible for Helix, Insight, Twister, and Influx.. among other popular effects. Turning his talent to the very popular ‘moving hole’ vogue, Tom has created an effect that best resembles the moving hole effect on steroids. 

Tom’s gimmick offers a vast improvement on the moving hole effect, where a magician makes a hole punched in a card move about the surface of the card as if space and time are of no importance. Yes, other developers have released similar effects, but not with the freedom and clarity Space Time allows. Tom has created a gaffed card that allows the performer to show BOTH sides of the card, both before and after the effect has played. Those of you familiar with earlier effects know that, as impressive as previous effect were, you could not show both sides of the card without giving away the secret.

Space Time includes two features I find (almost) essential to meet my criteria: 1) Ease of performance.. not necessarily self-working, but very close once you’re comfortable with the handling.. and 2) Giving the appearance of ‘impossible’ magic.  For the price, I think it’s a great investment for anyone who performs close-up, walk-around and performs in restaurants. It is a playing card.. It takes up virtually the same space as a business card.. All the ‘magic’ happens in your hand.. And there is little chance of the gaff getting wet on a restaurant table. 

Space Time advertises that NO sleight of hand is required. In all fairness, I agree. That does not mean NO practice. To perform this effect to its full potential you do need to practice the movements to achieve the seamless transition from hole to hole. This will not be a problem for 99% of those buying Space Time. It will take about 30-40 minutes of practice to get everything down pat. I say this so you won’t assume this is a completely self-working effect/gaff. It’s self-working to the same extent a Svengali deck is self-working.

Space Time advertises:

-Instant reset
-Real hole in the card – see right through
-No setup
-Hand-crafted gimmick with attention to every detail
-Online Tricks, routines, handling’s and instructions included

Instant reset.. Yes. You can reset Space Time easily with one hand in a second or two. Personally, I do take a moment to double check the hole positions to make sure I’m where I need to be. Other than a quick glance, you’re good to go.

Real hole in the card.. Absolutely. There is nothing deceiving about the holes, at least not from the magicians point of view. The holes are precisely what you expect them to be. The spectator can see completely through the card and should have no reason to doubt the performers patter.

No setup.. Pretty much. You do need to start with the ‘gimmick’ in a set position. As I mentioned earlier, I do double check the card to make sure the proper hole is showing. If its not, then I need to take all of a second and a half to make the adjustment. 

Hand-crafted gimmick with attention to every detail.. Without a doubt. After purchasing Space Time, you realize the potential for hiccups and hang-ups. You appreciate the gimmick more once you’ve had a chance to handle it. Everything  aligns perfectly and handles with precision, eliminating virtually any potential problem.  

Online Tricks, routines, handling’s and instructions included.. Yes, yes, yes, and yes. Everything you need to know is included. Each gimmick comes with a password and website address, giving you immediate access to almost 50 minutes of detailed instruction. There’s nothing to download or upload. The instructions are thorough and explain all the intricacies you’ll need to know to perform Space Time like the demo.

There’s little I can say about Space Time that’s negative. As with all other similar effects, you cannot hand out Space Time for examination. When it’s advertised you can show the spectator both sides of the card.. that’s true. But, as Dai Vernon famously said,  “A large movement covers a small movement”.. In this case, a large movement covers a small gaff. Personally, that’s not a problem when I perform Space Time. It”s all about timing and smooth movements. The gimmick is made in a way as to camouflage those little ditties you don’t want the spectator to see, so I don’t think of this as a negative, but in all fairness, I’m mentioning it.. 

Murphy’s Magic makes Space Time available to the magic community. Based on cost, ease of use, astound ability, and portability… I give it a definite two thumbs up.         

Rick Carruth


Bob Solari’s ABANDONED  – A Review

Effect: Spectator selects a card from an un-gimmicked deck. This card is remembered by the spectator. Card is returned back to the deck and the deck is mixed thoroughly by the spectator. Deck is now returned back to its case. The Spectator is instructed to place the card case on the table. Card case is now covered with an un-gimmicked cloth/handkerchief [not supplied] and the spectator is asked to reach under the handkerchief and remove the card case and to now lay the card case on top of the handkerchief. Spectator is asked to name their selected card. Card case is lifted from handkerchief and handkerchief is lifted from table. Sitting under the handkerchief is the selected card!!! There are no holes or slits in the card case. Learn in 5 minutes!

This sly little effect performs as written. Unfortunately, many effects now days do not. As a lover of magic that happens in the spectators hands, I appreciate the fact that most of the work is done by the spectator. It only makes the effect that much stronger. Bob has created a gimmick that allows you to perform all the dirty work almost hands off.  All you need to provide is a scarf or handkerchief.. and some witty patter!

In fairness, to successfully perform ABANDONED you must be able to force a card. The med hod you use isn’t important. You can use a simple cross cut force, Hindu shuffle force, or any other number of uncomplicated forces. Don’t worry about this aspect, as it’s a no-brainer.

Other than the force, this effect is ‘almost’ self-working. There is another small aspect that completes the performance, but it’s simply a matter of laying the deck on the table in a certain direction.

When I initially performed ABANDONED, I had wished there were a way to make the cards examinable -after- the performance. The card case itself is fully examinable after the effect, as the spec will definitely want to see if there are any escape hatches. Then it occurred to me that there IS a very simple method one could use to make both the cards and the case examinable. I don’t know that making the cards examinable is important in most cases, but it seems to work better for me personally. If you decide to purchase ABANDONED, and I can’t think of any reason you shouldn’t, email me and I will be glad to share my method with you.

Go to Bob’s link below and watch the video to get a really good idea of the performance. Look for the link in the nav bar in the middle of the page. 

To quote three reviews from the Cafe..  ( )
—  “This is a winner. It is fun to do and gets a great reaction from the spectators..”
—  “…what a cleverly constructed trick!”
—  “Simplicity in operation, but devastating in effect.”

I wholeheartedly agree. Although ABANDONED has been out for several years now, it’s a timeless effect that will serve you well for many more years. It’s ideal for customization. Develop your own patter and routine and you’ll have a staple to perform over and over.

Extremely affordable at $15.95.. Full instructions and complete Bicycle® deck and handmade Bicycle® gaff included!


How to Cheat and Look Like You Can Solve the Rubik’s Cube – Video

Not all of us are intended to solve a Rubix Cube. If you are one of those billions.. here is a method to make it look as if you can solve the cube, when actually you are performing a simple mathematical certainty that will bring the cube back to a solved state… requiring less than twelve moves. Actually, you will see how you can go from a solved cube back to a solved cube by repeating the same three moves over and over twelve times. The cube ‘appears’ to be in a totally random state as you go through the moves.. Try it…


7 Magic Tricks with Paper – Video Tutorial

Evan Era of EvanEraTV reveals 7 Magic Tricks with Paper. Now, these are not necessarly original effects.. I’m sure most of you have seen them performed at one time or another. But, this might be the push you need to add one or more to your repertoire of ‘ miscellaneous stuff’.
I work restaurants, and these are the type effects I like to have on standby to entertain a table with kids or young teens. They appreciate it.. and more importantly, their parents appreciate it.

Magic Tricks Revealed in this Video:
1.) Floating Origami Butterfly
2.) Paper Ball Matrix
3.) Pencil and Paper Ball Vanish Trick
4.) Magic Real Life Drawing Trick
5.) Magic Crystal Ball Mind Reading Trick
6.) Pen Thru Paper Magic Trick
7.) Torn and Restored Paper Trick


10 Ways to Force A Card – Video Tutorial

10 more tutorials from Evan Era. 

Magic Tricks Revealed in this Video:
1.) Magic Card Visual Force Trick
2.) From Under Magic Card Force Trick
3.) Classic Riffle Playing Card Force
4.) Double Cut Card Force
5.) Classic Fan Card Force Technique
6.) Classic Magic Cross Cut Force Trick
7.) Whole Deck Same Card Force
8.) Magic Double Lift Card Force Technique
9.) Mental Card Force Technique
10.) From The Top Card Force Trick
Bonus Card Magic Force Tutorial: Magic Glide Force Trick


10 FIRE Magic Tricks Revealed – Video Tutorials

All you really need to know at this point are these famous words from Evan Era himself… 

“P.S. I’m not responsible if you burn yourself or someone else… or get injured in any way, shape, or form from performing any of these tricks or pranks. Perform and prank at your own risk!!”



The Magic Of Haruo Shimada – By David J O’Connor 

We find from time to time, there are sometimes magicians who are living in the present who are in fact creating magical history in our own times. Haruo Shimada PortraitOne such performer is the wonderful Japanese magician Haruo Shimada. Shimada was born in Tokyo in 1940 and at an early age  he saw a ‘Tenyo” counter in a local department store that so fascinated him that he went back day after day to try and learn the secrets of Tenyo magic. 

                        Haruo Shimada Portrait

 He studied earnestly and practiced long and hard then eventually obtained a job with Tenyo demonstrating their range of magic tricks. It was the simple thumb tip that inspired him. Shimada gave his first performance at age 18 to go onto become one of the most successful performers of all time. Shimada has become known as the consummate, elegant classical performer. Throughout his magical career he has never spoken on stage and presents a dramatic silent act. With his compelling eyes, it is as though the audience were under some hypnotic spell watching him…”

Read the rest and watch interesting videos at:

David J O’Connor is a semi retired professional mentalist and children’s entertainer. He has performed throughout South Africa, New Zealand and aboard cruise liners. David is a member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians and loves mentoring young people in magic.


Cardmen’s Get Together –  Video

50 plus minutes of some of the finest card manipulation you’ll ever see. This is not a tutorial, but a get together of some of the greatest Card mechanics in the world. Filmed by retired gaming regulator Bruce Samboy, the guest include Richard Turner, Steve Forte, Jason England, Ron Conley, Damien Neman, Michael Webber and several other greats of magic.


Magic Lecture – Sleight of Hand and Beliefs

Daniel Normandeau is the creator of the cross cut one handed cut. Daniel is also the winner of Drew macadam’s cold reading contest.

Secrets revealed: Close up magic redefined for the YouTube generation. How to use sleight of hand magic in any situation.  48 minutes in length,,,


Tommy Wonder Lecture –  Video

Video of a Tommy Wonder full lecture in Hillside, Illinois in the 80’s. The video is not very good quality, but it’s watchable. You’ll definitely learn a thing or two from the extremely talented Mr. Wonder. The video was posted legally by a family member..
Thanks to
Jim Canaday and the Magic Portal for the link…


Comedy Hypnotist | The Incredible Boris | TEDxYouth@Toronto –  performance

Nice, fast-paced comedy hypnotist performs at a TED talk in Toronto. I’ve always admired these guys, but never had the nerve to pursue it.. I have a few respected readers who do though, and thought I’d add this since we all enjoy watching other like-minded performers perform.

“Boris demonstrates the powers of the mind by guiding a group of hapless volunteers through a hypnotic session where they experience everything from forgetting how to speak to finding themselves on a game show.”

“Boris is an award-winning performer that travels worldwide and has appeared at venues ranging from schools, corporate functions, theater, fairs, headlining in Las Vegas, to entertaining troops in Afghanistan and Kuwait. Boris motivates and inspires, while leaving a lasting impression. His stage name, The Incredible Boris, describes the sentiment of every performance literally – a positive attitude and constant state of mind. Boris delivers a powerful message of limitless possibilities as part of a hilarious interactive performance.”


The Mentalist | Ronn Winter | TEDxHickory – performance

Magician, Mentalist and Psychological Entertainer, Ronn Winter has been using the art of deception, psychology, and influence to entertain CEOs, Executives, Managers, and Employees from companies, corporations, and resorts such as Google Data, Fifth Third Bank, Neiman Marcus, Duke Energy, UPS, MGM resorts, The Bellagio, and more for over a decade. “

“Developing an obsession in high school with finding out what makes us tick, and learning how to read people, Ronn Winter has devoted many years to learning the process of plucking thoughts from people’s minds.”

16+ minute performance at a TED talk in Hickory…


Action Packed –  A Free PDF

Join Thom Peterson’s mailing list and get a free down loadable ebook.. ACTION PACKED.. This is a very nice, 32 page ebook, created in comic book style.. and containing 8 different stand up and close up effects..


Free Magic Ebook Downloads – Free from Magic-ebooks

Here’s a page of free downloads from Magic-ebooks, a site owned by Trickmagic.

And several others..

All you have to do is hit the download button and the ebooks will open. You can then read or save to your device…


BET YOU CANT!  –  Science Impossibilities to Fool You..  PDF

Nice pdf offered free by GuptaToys that includes a number of science bets and gotcha tricks. Be sure to read all the way to the last chapter for a quick list of a number of unusual bets, including a couple used by carneys to fleece the players of their cash..


Thanks to Michael Lyth for the link!


(One From the Archives)

Numberphile – A Very Impressive ‘Sleight of Numbers’ – Tutorial

I first published this video almost three years ago. It has remained one of my all-time favorite mathematical based card tricks. It’s definitely worth re-visiting..

 Numberphile begins as an oppressively old fashion card trick, leading one to believe they are about to witness an age-old trick commonly performed by sixth graders and bored inmates. Suddenly, things take a sharp right turn – and you’re left squinting your eyes and wondering what you missed.

To quote the Youtube page.. “Standup mathematician Matt Parker says this 27-card trick is the most mathematically beautiful – but it takes some explaining!”

The video is roughly twelve minutes long and explains everything you need to know. Go to
the Youtube page and watch the first couple of minutes to get an idea of what to expect.
I can assure you that your’s truly will adapt this to something that suits me.. and
you’ll see it again in one form or another.



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The 30 Most Influential People on the Internet

Our second annual roundup of the most influential people online

For our second annual roundup of the most influential people on the Internet, TIME sized up contenders by looking at their global impact on social media and their overall ability to drive news. Here’s who made this year’s unranked list:


The 20 Most Popular TED Talks of All Time –  Videos

Click the link at the bottom of the list to access all 20 videos and read something about them. Note there are two magicians among the twenty.  😉

No. 20. Kelly McGonigal wants you to make stress your friend.
Views: 10 million

No. 19. Keith Barry hacks the most complex thing in nature: the human brain.
Views: 10 million

No. 18. Elizabeth Gilbert says that everyone is a genius.
Views: 11 million

No. 17. David Blaine explains how he held his breath underwater for 17 minutes.
Views: 11 million

No. 16. Julian Treasure wants to make you a better public speaker.
Views: 11 million

No. 15. Dan Gilbert reveals the science behind happiness.
Views: 12 million

No. 14. David Gallo shares the mystery behind the sea creatures of the deep.
Views: 12 million

No. 13. Pamela Meyer reveals how to spot a liar.
Views: 12 million

No. 12. Shawn Achor shares the happy secret to better work.
Views: 12 million

No. 11. Susan Cain describes the secret power of introverts.
Views: 13 million

No. 10. Cameron Russell describes what it’s like to be a supermodel.
Views: 13 million

No. 9. Pranav Mistry takes a look at the beginnings of wearable technology.
Views: 14 million

No. 8. Dan Pink delves into the science behind motivation.
Views: 15 million

No. 7. Tony Robbins says that an “invisible force” is what motivates us to act.
Views: 16 million

No. 6. Mary Roach reveals some surprising science about sex.
Views: 18 million

No. 5. Jill Bolte Taylor demonstrates what a stroke does to the brain.
Views: 18 million

No. 4. Brené Brown discusses the power of vulnerability, courage, authenticity, and shame.
Views: 24 million

No. 3. Simon Sinek discusses how and why great leaders inspire action.
Views: 26 million

No. 2. Amy Cuddy explains how your body language shapes who you are.
Views: 32 million

No. 1. Sir Ken Robinson says that schools are killing our creativity.
Views: 38 million


Popular Science: The Big Book of Hacks: 264 Amazing DIY Tech Projects  (ad)

The ingenious and hilarious projects in The Big Book of Hacks are perfect for aspiring makers. And it’s all brought to you by the DIY masters at Popular Science magazine. This was easily one of my favorite purchases of 2015.. and it’s only $15.99 in heavy duty softback with metal corner protectors.

GEEK TOYS..  gaming hacks, pyrotechnics, quirky DIY robots.

HOME IMPROVEMENTS…  a laser-security system and a life-sized cardboard display of anyone you want.

GADGET UPGRADES … flash drive in an old cassette? Use a DIY stylus on a touchscreen? Improvise a fisheye lens for your camera.


What are the qualities that cause a book to sell like soap or breakfast food
or Ford cars? It is a question the answer to which we should all like to know.
Armed with that precious recipe, we should go to the nearest stationer’s shop,
buy a hundred sheets of paper for sixpence, blacken them with magical scribbles,
and sell them again for six thousand pounds. There is no raw material so richly
amenable to treatment as paper. A pound of iron turned into watch springs is worth
several hundreds or even thousands of times its original value; but a pound of
paper turned into popular literature may be sold at a profit of literally millions per
cent. If only we knew the secret of the process by which paper is turned into popular literature!”

Aldous Huxley


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Dozens upon dozens of magic trick tutorial videos…

Even MORE magic trick, card trick, street magic and mentalism videos..

That does it for this issue. I hope you found something to help your magic along. Remember, if you have something you would like to share with the magic community, send it to:

Vive Tus Sueños – Live Your Dreams

 Rick Carruth / Editor

Senior Professor – Camelard College of Conjuring of Chemmis, Egypt
“Magic’s Only Worldwide Honor Society”


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This page may contain affiliate links. If you click an affiliate link and make a purchase, I may earn a commission on the sale. The price that you pay should not be affected by buying through an affiliate link, and I never use affiliate links if I know they’ll result in a price increase.

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in the Magic Roadshow is accurate. However, there is no guarantee that you will achieve any particular results using the information provided or any products referenced. Examples in this document are not to be interpreted as promises or guarantees of any particular results.

All information is for education and information purposes only. Seek the advice of a qualified professional before acting on such information. In using this document, you agree that the Magic Roadshow and its publisher, Rick Carruth, are not responsible for your success or failure as a result of purchases made through this site.

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The Magic Roadshow Journal of Magic..  Copyright (C) 2016  Rick Carruth/editor  All rights reserved.

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