Magician Dynamo puts on surprise show for refugees in Toxteth..

Magician Dynamo puts on surprise show for refugees in Toxteth..

(Dynamo put on a surprise show for refugees ahead of tonight’s sell out gig at the ECHO Arena PICTURE BY CHRIS BULL FOR THE BRITISH RED CROSS) 

A world renowned magician put on a private show for refugees and asylum seekers inLiverpool today.

Steven ‘Dynamo’ Frayneo showed off his magic skills at the British Red Cross refugee drop-in at St Bride’s Church in Toxteth .

The centre welcomes newly-arrived asylum seekers and refugees – many of whom are homeless – and provides food, clothing, and advice on the asylum process.

Speaking about why he wanted to offer his support, Dynamo said: “If we can get rid of that stigma around refugees and asylum seekers more people will help out.

“It’s very sad when you have situations like the refugee crisis and people are forced to leave and take their families to the other side of the world and start a new life. Some of these families get separated in the process and that is really sad.

“A massive thank you to city of Liverpool and everybody at the drop-in centre for everything that they do.”

The acclaimed performer wowed the crowd with coin and card tricks that have amazed audiences all over the world.  Read more…

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