Magician Jeff McBride talks Magic and Mystery School and future..

Magician Jeff McBride talks Magic and Mystery School and future..


Las Vegas – Magician Jeff McBride chatted with Digital Journal about his plans for the future, as well as his Magic and Mystery School.“We did a big show last night at the Wonderground night club with all the magicians,” he said. “It was wonderful and a record-breaking night in attendance in the seven years that we have been doing it. Magic has been more popular than ever.”

In 1993, McBride was crowned “Magician of the Year” by the Academy of Magical Arts, and 15 years later, in 2008, he was honored as its “Lecturer of the Year.” “The ‘Magician of the Year’ award was the Oscar of magic,” he said.

When asked about his proudest moments, he said, “It was definitely meeting and marrying my beautiful wife, Abigail. That has to be right up there.”

Regarding his plans for the future, McBride, said, “Right now we are booking a world tour with the Magic and Mystery School to share our magic in Europe, South America, China and maybe even India.”  Read more..

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