Magician Kenrick ‘ICE’ McDonald Sees The Light In The ‘Dark Arts’

Magician Kenrick ‘ICE’ McDonald Sees The Light In The ‘Dark Arts’

By NPR staff..

Harry Houdini, Harry Blackstone, David Copperfield — all great magicians, and all members of the Society of American Magicians, one of the oldest and most prestigious magical societies in the world.

Last month, the society made history when it inaugurated its first African-American president, Kenrick McDonald — known in the magical world as “ICE.”

McDonald says magic has a long and little-known history in the African-American community. Even so, he says, he still had many obstacles to overcome as a young magician, including reconciling his love for magic with his Christian faith.

McDonald grew up in a religious family. His father bought him his first magic kit, but McDonald’s enthusiasm for tricks soon became a source of family tension. For many years, he says, he was forced to practice in secret — but he was determined to show his family that there was nothing evil about magic.

“I personally knew this was not a dark art. I just liked the way it made people feel,” McDonald says. “It’s that feeling of bringing people back to their childhood.”….

Listen to the interview and/or read the transcript at:  HERE

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