Magicians need more than tricks to survive…

Magicians need more than tricks to survive…

By Erik Lacitis for The Seattle Times

SEATTLE — At a reported $800 million net worth, David Copperfield sits at the very top of the 9,000 U.S. members of the International Brotherhood of Magicians.

Then the earnings list goes rapidly down to those playing small clubs and corporate events. Ninety percent of magicians, perhaps even 95 percent, don’t make a full-time living at this craft they love.

They have day jobs or are retired or are labeled “hobbyists,” says their association.

Evan Reynolds, 44, a software programmer in downtown Seattle, is in that latter category.

But for those who perform for free in community theater, just like the musicians who play for $50 a night at some tavern, you gotta follow your passion….

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