Master magician Johnny Thompson talks about illustrious career..

Master magician Johnny Thompson talks about illustrious career..


Multi-award-winning magician Johnny Thompson chatted with Digital Journal about his latest projects and illustrious career.
“I started out as a boy of eight, that saw a movie about a Mississippi River boat gambler, and that’s what I wanted to be, and my mother took me to a used book store and got a book called ‘The Expert at the Card Table,’ which is the bible of card cheaters and also magical card experts. Most magicians who read it thought it was an academic at the time,” he said. “I spent four years learning everything I could, only to come to the rude awakening that there weren’t a lot of places where a 12-year-old spectator could work. I looked in the back of the book and it showed me how to take these gambling moves and apply them to magic, and that’s how I got into magic." 

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For more information on world renowned magician Johnny Thompson, check out his official website.

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