Oscar Munoz – San Antonio magician crowned president of national magic organization..

Oscar Munoz – San Antonio magician crowned president of national magic organization..

I started doing magic when I was 7 years old and have been doing it professionally for the better part of 30 years. As a kid, my grandmother was diabetic and often sick. Kids weren’t allowed to visit in the hospital rooms so when my mom went to see her, I would go across the street to a magic shop. That’s the first place I remember saying the word, ‘Wow.’

About a year after I started visiting the magic shop, a magician came to perform at our school. It cost 50 cents to go see him. I grew up in South Texas and worked in the fields so I knew what 50 cents meant. When he left after his show that day, his pockets were full of change and I said, “If he can do that, I can do that.’

I went to the library and checked out as many magic books as I could. I also hung out at the magic shop hoping to run into a magician who could teach me tricks. My first trick was a coin trick—pulling it out of somebody’s ear…Read more..


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