“Phone-y Business” and Exposure in the Information Age: Notes on ‘FOOL US’

“Phone-y Business” and Exposure in the Information Age: Notes on ‘FOOL US’

From the last season alone, Fool Us is a show that creates high expectations, with great talent given the space to show Penn and Teller, as well as the world, what they can do. Happily, last night’s season premiere did not disappoint. In fact, I could not wish for a better selection of performances to demonstrate the various attributes that make for great magic.

Jon Armstrong: Let’s call his routine “delight.” His little magical plunger was a masterpiece of whimsy, and beautifully deceptive. It may not have fooled Teller, but it certainly fooled me. Most important of all, it felt so marvelous that the fact that it fooled me did not matter – by the time the trick was halfway done, I had stopped caring about the method and just wanted to see more of the little plunger. I feel like my life is a bit richer for having seen it, and that’s something the best magic will do. Read more…

(Thanks to Mel Kientz at MAGICIAN’S LIFE for the link. 

Email: m.kientz@bnproducts.com  )


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