Stowing doves and sleeping on the roadside: the life of a travelling magician in regional Australia..

Stowing doves and sleeping on the roadside: the life of a travelling magician in regional Australia..

For a travelling magician, living simply from the back of a van is the best way to bring magic to a wider audience.

Time is measured by the number of days between the next road trip for Dane Certificate and his travelling magic show.

For the past few years Dane has followed the life of a road magician, packing his doves and rabbits and guinea pigs into a Holden panel van and winding his way through regional Australia.

He is just about to embark on an 85-show tour through regional NSW. In April he will be in India, performing for the Indian Brotherhood of Magicians in New Delhi.

And at the start of 2016 he spent several weeks driving from his base in Melbourne through regional South Australia performing shows at community centres, town squares and aged care facilities along the way.

It is part of his plan to spend most of the year — and if all goes to plan, most of his life — travelling around Australia with his stage show, bringing magic to regional towns where people would otherwise have to travel to the city.

It may not be glamorous or high-paying work, but Dane said the satisfaction of performing was more than enough to keep him going.

“I work with people with dementia and I have had people who haven’t spoken for years watch the magic show and then they start talking,” he said.

“I’m trying to capture that feeling of fond memories or a special moment everyone has, no matter what age or country they’re from. If you remember going to the circus with your grandfather and he buys you a hot dog; it just stays with you.”  Read more and see pics at……

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