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Tag: adeline ng

Local female magician wants to break gender stereotypes..

Local female magician wants to break gender stereotypes..

(ON HER OWN: (Above) Miss Adeline Ng is, to her knowledge, the only solo professional female magician here.PHOTO: CHOO CHWEE HUA )

US actress Lizzy Caplan plays the sole female member in magician quartet Four Horsemen in the Hollywood caper Now You See Me 2.

And in the movie, which is showing here, Caplan’s character crushes the stereotype that women are primarily assistants in the world of magic.

And so does full-time local magician Adeline Ng, 28.

“I would go to an event, talk to the producer… and after talking, he’d ask, ‘So, where’s your magician?’” she told The New Paper.

Miss Ng, who has performed in Australia and India, added that she has experienced such encounters “enough times”. Read more…