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Aldo Colombini In Need Of Your Prayers…

Aldo Colombini In Need Of Your Prayers…

image   Aldo Colombini, a complete comedy magician, has suffered a massive stroke in Florida. Aldo loves magic, and he loves those who share his love of magic. So much so that several years ago he changed his product pricing to ten dollars.. for anything. DVD’s are ten dollars, an array of wonderful tricks – ten dollars, and all his books- ten dollars. Unlike many fellow magicians who are constantly raising their prices, Aldo refuses to change his… To give away a free ebook or effect once every now and again is one thing.. To give away your life’s work for a pittance in order to benefit magicians everywhere.. well, that’s something special from a very special gentleman… His wife, Rachel Wild Colombini, wrote the following:

Dear Friends

I am writing to let you know that the love of my life, my beloved husband, best friend and partner Aldo has suffered a catastrophic stroke. Sunday afternoon paramedics rushed him to Munro Regional Hospital in Ocala. Today they performed another CAT Scan and I am saddened to say that the news is not good. Aldo is completely paralyzed on his right side. He cannot speak and the doctors say there is nothing else that can be done. Aldo loved life and does not want to be on life support. I am heartbroken by the fact that I must now take him off life-support and move him to Hospice Care. Short of a miracle, the doctors say he has less than two weeks. Please pray for him.

Aldo is a Magical Comedian and that is how he would want to be remembered. I get strength from knowing that Aldo and I have made so many loving friends throughout the world. We had a marvelous life together traveling the world performing and lecturing to thousands of people in dozens of countries. 

Please correspond with me via my Facebook page, as I am not up to taking phone calls right now. I hope you all understand.

Aldo and I love you all so very much. I will keep you all informed.


Rachel Wild Colombini


** UPDATE –  We received word today (Wednesday) that Aldo passed. The magic world lost a true ambassador..
