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David Blaine Performs Magic For Baltimore Protesters After Underwater Stunt [PHOTOS]

David Blaine Performs Magic For Baltimore Protesters After Underwater Stunt [PHOTOS]

After apparently holding his breath underwater for 10 minutes, magician David Blaine took to the streets of Baltimore to perform tricks for protesters Wednesday. Hundreds of demonstrators had gathered there in the wake of the Monday funeral of Freddie Gray, the 25-year-old black man who died from injuries sustained during an arrest.

Blaine’s trip to the city was apparently spontaneous, as he hadn’t tweeted or promoted his appearance in advance. His last message on his official Twitter account showed him submerged in a tank of water with several fish swimming around him

Protesters generally seemed excited by Blaine’s free performance and shared pictures on Twitter. “It’s a little bit awesome to imagine the moment David Blaine saw the news and thought, ‘Gotta get down there and do some magic,’ ” one person wrote. “David Blaine is here in Baltimore, drawing a bigger crowd of youths with each trick,” another added. Read more and watch videos at: