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Tag: bill davenport

New tricks keep the magic alive!

New tricks keep the magic alive!

Based at Charing Cross, London, they are the world’s oldest continually-owned magic shop on the planet and, as you can imagine, the current owner, Bill Davenport, is rather proud of that fact.

It’s almost like pulling a rabbit from a hat, how this place has gone from strength to strength since 1898, but magic never ceases to enthral each new generation.

“It’s been in my family since it opened, and I’ve been involved since the year dot,” says Bill.

“Even as a kid, I used to come into the shop and help out.

“My great-grandfather, Lewis Davenport, started it.

“He was a performer in music halls at the time and when he was 16, he started up the business.”

Just to give you an idea of how long ago that first little spark was, the great Harry Houdini was still doing his amazing tricks, and it hadn’t been long since magicians had been viewed the same way as evil witches. Read more:

Thanks to Mel Klentz’s MAGICIANS LIFE for the heads up..