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MAGIC Magazine Ceases Publication..

MAGIC Magazine Ceases Publication..

Las Vegas, NV
Tues, 16 Aug 2016
23:13 PDT

After 25 years, Stan Allen announced here at the MAGIC Live! convention last night that the current (August) issue of MAGIC magazine is the last. As his swan song, he will publish, over the next two years, a set of 25 magazines called “MAGIC Legacy”. These will be issued with no fixed schedule, but the complete set (and you must purchase the whole  set – they won’t be in stores and you can’t buy by the issue) will have arrived by August 2018.

At that time, there will be one more (the ninth, and the last?) MAGIC Live! convention. If you enjoy magic conventions at all, I predict this will be The One to attend.

I spoke with Stan this afternoon, thanking him for all he’s done for magic over the years. As we chatted, I tried to read whether he’d considered turning over the reins of MAGIC magazine to someone else. He saw where I was going with my questions and stated emphatically to me, “Nobody else is going to publish my baby. This is it.”

For more info, go to > In This Issue > subscribe
and you’ll be told about the Legacy Magazine instead…and what to do if you currently have a MAGIC subscription that has not yet expired.

Your magic reporter,

Bob Leedom…. 

Editors note: A special THANKS to Bob.. who is currently attending MAGIC Live! and is reporting directly from the convention..