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TechnologyTell Interview: ‘Wizard Wars’ co-creator Rick Lax makes SyFy ratings magic..

TechnologyTell Interview: ‘Wizard Wars’ co-creator Rick Lax makes SyFy ratings magic..

By Brian Allen for Technology Tell

SyFy’s new hit competition Wizard Wars is like Chopped for magicians. Participants are given items to create an illusion with, then have their work judged by a panel including magic icons Penn and Teller.

Like many great ideas, the concept for SyFy competition Wizard Wars had humble beginnings. Vegas-based magician Rick Lax was having some fun with friends at a restaurant.

“After shows, a group of five or six magicians would go get some cheeseburgers and bring an item we wanted to do a trick with,” Lax said. “We’d just pass it around the table. Sometimes a really good trick would come out of it, sometimes we’d get nothing. But it was always really fun to do and really fun to watch.”

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