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Unique Deck of Playing Cards Scores Big On Kickstarter

Unique Deck of Playing Cards Scores Big On Kickstarter

imageAbracadabra! Master magician Brian South has just played a remarkable winning hand with the launch of a unique, mind-challenging deck of cards.

Within the first 30 hours, South achieved his first financial goal on the Kickstarter fund-raising website conjuring up more than $20,000 from 500 backers. He’s now seeking a further round of financial applause with additional Kickstarter offers for his cards, aptly called “Different Deck.”

Like most sets of playing cards Different Deck has 54 cards—but that’s where the similarities end. These cards are visually stunning pieces of art, bursting with images, words, numbers, secret symbolism and other hidden elements.

In fact, there are more than 100 different languages and numeric systems featured in this desk, plus symbolism and imagery in each card—some of it based on South’s globe-trotting visits to ancient monuments whose mystique has fascinated him since childhood. There are science, math and historical references and even pop culture icons buried in the deck, layer upon layer…(thanks to PRWEB for this article..)