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Tag: carbonaro effect

The Carbonaro Effect – Thursday 7/10 @ 10pm

Michael returns this week with another array of sidesplitting tricks, starting with a stint as a local pet store owner. In the clip below, Michael hides a noise maker in his pocket when a customer asks him how big the bunny she’d like to purchase will get. He pretends to check by straightening the bunny’s joints like a chiropractor, which sets off the noise maker making it seem as if he’s just cracked its neck and spine. This instantly frightens his customer, thinking that he’s just killed her bunny- providing viewers with one hilarious reaction!

Sneak Peek.. This weeks Carbonaro Effect

Sneak Peek.. This weeks Carbonaro Effect

On Thursday’s episode of The Carbonaro Effect @ 10pm on truTV, Michael takes his talents to the Laundromat where he poses as an everyday citizen doing his weekly loads of laundry. After striking up a casual conversation with another patron, Michael demonstrates how his new “Uber” detergent is the best in the market by pouring a few grains of soap into his hand. As the patron curiously looks on, Michael shakes his hands and turns the small grains into a cups worth of detergent! Michael seals the whole trick by telling his new friend that he should really check out how many loads of laundry his name brand detergent gets- resulting in one hysterical reaction….