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Tag: champions of magic

Metro Vancouver couple take their magic to the world – Trevor and Lorena Watters won North American title earlier this month..

Metro Vancouver couple take their magic to the world – Trevor and Lorena Watters won North American title earlier this month..


Powerful magic can be found in the unlikeliest of places. Trevor and Lorena Watters, a couple from North Delta, were crowned North American Champions of Stage Magic earlier this month, winning them entry to the 2015 World Championships of Magic in Rimini, Italy. The Sun reached the pair between illusions to discover how magic brought them together and what tricks they’re conjuring up for next year’s contest.

Q: What drew you both to magic?

Trevor: It was my father who first got me interested. He picked up some tricks from a shop in Las Vegas while I was in Grade 8 and I started taking them to school and wowing friends. I saw it as being a great icebreaker.

Q: Lorena, did Trevor try his magic on you when you met?

Lorena: He did. It was really confusing. We were both in Douglas College at the time — he was in stagecraft and I was in theatre. I just remember seeing this cute guy that I wanted to say ‘hi’ to. So I went over and he started showing me a trick called the three-card monte. I thought it was cool, but I lost what was happening. I wasn’t really paying attention to the trick to be honest…

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