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Tag: choo mantar

Choo Mantar 2014: Magicians from all over India gather at the national biennial magicians’ convention

Choo Mantar 2014: Magicians from all over India gather at the national biennial magicians’ convention

Thanks to the EconomicTimes for the article..

Eggs are constantly appearing from people’s ears. You can’t unfold a handkerchief without a coin falling out of it. Bouquets routinely flutter into life as pigeons. Rabbits lower and raise themselves from top hats with sombre professionalism.

I am at Choo Mantar 2014, the national biennial magicians’ convention. All around is frenetic activity. The convention features seasoned veterans as well as jittery debutants making their big splash in front of their peers. There is a competition round and participants are making frantic last minute practice passes. The auditorium is slowly filling up with friends and family. Wives of magicians look on fondly as their husbands await their turn. Magicians from all over India have gathered, from birthday party conjurors to top-flight illusionists who disappear elephants on whim…

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