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COGNITO – Lloyd Barnes & Owen Garfield – A Review

COGNITO – Lloyd Barnes & Owen Garfield – A Review

COGNITO – Lloyd Barnes & Owen Garfield – A Review

This is the Ad Copy:

Magicians and mentalists have strived for centuries to crack the code of real mind reading.

COGNITO is the closest you will ever come to experiencing the incredible power of telepathy.

Imagine having someone think of ANYTHING (a playing card, star sign, word, movie, celebrity…whatever THEY want). They NEVER write it down, type it, point at it, click it, blink or even whisper…the thought ONLY exists inside their mind.

Yet with Cognito you know EXACTLY what they are thinking. There is even a way to do it with no peek at all.

Cognito is a revolutionary Magic App that combines a classic principle with genius new methods to know what spectators are thinking without seemingly doing anything.

The reason reviewers are calling this “The best app of the decade.” is because it has no competition. Cognito stands on its own as the most unique and brilliantly thought out Magic App ever created.

Simply put; Magic Apps shouldn’t get reactions like this.
Incredibly easy to perform
NO memory work or mental calculations
Perform in minutes
Works in ANY language
NO internet needed
Fools magicians
Multiple effects built in
Create your own effects with ease.
PLUS: A huge and active Facebook community (facebook name: cognitoapp) packed with ideas and new improbable routines.

Created by Lloyd Barnes & Owen Garfield and developed by Joshua Riley, Murphy’s Magic proudly presents… COGNITO

My Thoughts:

I don’t know where to start. COGNITO is described as a magic app. It is. But it is also so much more. This is the taking of an app and stretching it in every direction imaginable. This is the ultimate phone app…

I really wish I had more time to ‘play’ with COGNITO before writing a review. But.. time is a factor in new releases, and it’s important to get the basics out there.. and let the public decide. There’s a segment who want new effects first, before anyone else, and they are looking for info right now, as I write. And, if you have the right effect/app, they will exponentially launch the new product into a magical orbit in ways I could never accomplish. So.. here are my initial thoughts.

Everything is based on a classic methodology many of you would recognize. That said.. it’s like saying moon travel is based on the fact the Chinese launched fireworks into the air hundreds of years ago. Yes, everything went in the same direction.. up.. but the comparison isn’t fair.
COGNITO solves ‘problems’ in ways not imaginable thirty years ago, although it employs the same principles USED thirty years ago.

Imagine this…

A spectator THINKS of a card. They look at several pictures of cards on your phone and indicate whether their card is in those pictures. Without looking at your phone, you know the identity of the card they’re thinking of..

How? The app calculates the card.. sends YOU a text on your Apple watch or another phone disclosing the card.. and you are set for the reveal. What if the app sends a text to a confederate.. and they CALL to reveal the card.? Sort of like ‘The Wizard’ on steroids.

This isn’t the primary effect. This is one of many effects. I wanted to bring this one to light to show the broad range of effects capable with this app. There’s multiple ways of accomplishing each reveal so the performer can personalize the app to his or her style. And… you can literally personalize the app with your OWN designs, which are easily implemented into the existing effects.

I could go on and on.. but this review would become WAY to long to keep your interest. Aside from an hour and twenty plus minute tutorial designed to get you up to speed.. from absolute beginner.. to a comfortable performer. A very active Facebook group answers any questions you have not covered in the tutorial.. plus.. offers many different effects developed by enthusiastic owners.. and there are many. In fact, some of the top performers in the world are calling COGNITO a true game-changer and the top magic app of all time.

The tutorial covers a large list of effects and information. I have included the list here to give you a good overview..

Perform On Yourself- Easy ‘first effect’ to get you started.
Overview- What to expect.
How Cognito Knows- Detailed explanation of the classic technology.
The Split Principle- A swiping technique that serves as a base principle.
The Time Principle- A second technique, providing additional twists.
Proximity Input- Another input method making things very ‘personal’.
Watch & Confederate- Apple watch and confederate suggestions.
How To Exit- Instructions for getting out an effect.
Presets Explained- Self explanatory.
Peekless Peeking- A super mentalism tool.
Create Your Own Routines- Copy and paste to achieve personalization.
Scripts & Reasonings-Digging deeper into the working
Tips & Tricks- A must read..
On A Spectators Phone- Additional methodology.
Facebook Group- As mentioned.. a super group of performers

There are effects involving playing cards, horoscopes, dates, words, states and Marvel movies included. As I mentioned, adding new effects is a simple task. I promise.. once you purchase COGNITO, your mind will race at all the possibilities. I can’t understand pricing this at $29.95, seriously, considering the strength and versatility. There’s zero additional cost… nothing else to ‘unlock’ or purchase to get to the good features.

I hope I’ve provide enough info to spur your interest. There’s SO much more.. and I have never reviewed one product with this many features.
I’m sure you won’t be surprised when I recommend COGNITO to all my friends and readers. Get it.

$29.95 .. From Murphy’s Magic and their Associates..

Review by Rick Carruth