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From our Archives – Revealed: The secret sleight of hand used by thieves to remove a watch from a victim’s wrist.

From our Archives – Revealed: The secret sleight of hand used by thieves to remove a watch from a victim’s wrist.

Nice article and pics, written in 2007 by Victoria Moore. How did someone, right under the eyes of the Secret Service, steal a watch off the President’s wrist? How did it end up captured on video? 

Read this interesting article about the art of pickpocketing… complete with pictures and advice from professionals.. (Thanks to Michael Lyth )

‘People imagine I’ll be good at poker because of what I do, but I’m not. I’m hopeless’: Inside the head of Derren Brown..

‘People imagine I’ll be good at poker because of what I do, but I’m not. I’m hopeless’: Inside the head of Derren Brown..

There’s a number of articles on the web today referring to this article.. Why read the rest when you can read the best.. Yeah, corny of me – no doubt.. but this IS a really good interview with Derren..

He’s got a secret room in his house where he practises magic, but he’s rubbish at card games and a clown on the basketball court. The ‘mentalist’ does have a new trick up his sleeve, though… he’s going to reveal the secret of eternal happiness…

Read more: 

Revealed: The magic tricks Paul Daniels used to save his £2.5m home from the floods… and the truth about those 300 groupies..

Revealed: The magic tricks Paul Daniels used to save his £2.5m home from the floods… and the truth about those 300 groupies..

Much can be said for a good article title. This heading in the DailyMail definitely made me want to read more. The Magic News thinks It was time well spent….

“Visiting Paul Daniels in his riverside home  is definitely not for the fainthearted.

‘Park where you can on the lane and wear a  pair of waders,’ Paul tells me beforehand. He might well have added: ‘Or bring a  canoe.’

For the lane is no longer a lane, but a  torrent of fast-flowing water.

The heavens have opened and the rain is  sheeting it down now. This is not fun…

Which is why when Paul, 75, opens his front  door I’m, well, rather taken aback to see him full of the joys of spring. So  much so that if he had a tail he’d be wagging it. 

‘Come in and look,’ he says, with a flourish  of his hand as if presenting an illusion. In a way, he is. For the kitchen into  which we step is dry as a bone…”:

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