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Tag: david blaine

Blaine’s magic hands captivate Alumni Arena..

Blaine’s magic hands captivate Alumni Arena..

By  Joe Konze Jr..Special to The Spectrum..

On a dark stage, stood a brightly lit tank full of colorful fish and a man dressed in all black.

For 10 minutes, the man in black held his breath as he managed to make an eel come out of his mouth, juggle three steel balls, eat a banana and smoke a cigar, before taking a selfie with a lucky UBstudent.

The scene? Captivating. The man? David Blaine.

Blaine concluded the 27th annual Distinguished Speakers Series in front of a packed Alumni Arena Saturday night. The world-renown magician and endurance artist told stories of his life through small anecdotes and magic tricks intrigued the audience for the entire performance.

It was the first time Blaine performed this stunt in front of an audience..

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Paul Daniels claims there are no ‘great all-round magicians’ left..

Paul Daniels claims there are no ‘great all-round magicians’ left..

MAGIC legend Paul Daniels has said there are no “great all-round magicians” at the moment as he prepares to return to Fairfield Halls next month.

The former Every Second Counts host is returning to the halls next month as the King of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland alongside his wife and assistant Debbie McGee as the White Rabbit.

Daniels, 75, spoke to the Advertiser from behind a counter in a shop where he was helping a cashier price items.

He said he has met the current crop of magicians such as David Blaine, Derren Brown and Dynamo but would not judge them properly until he sees them live one stage.

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Does illusionist David Blaine have a death wish? “I have another decade . . . before something goes wrong”

Does illusionist David Blaine have a death wish? “I have another decade . . . before something goes wrong”

Extensive article by Cole Moreton for the Telegraph..

LONDON — The first time I meet David Blaine, he is weird. Really weird. Zoned out, distracted or high on something, I can’t tell. It’s a private dinner in an upstairs room at a London hotel and he enters without small talk. Dressed all in black with a black baseball cap, the American illusionist is big, bulky and intimidating.

His eyes are droopy but his gaze wanders the room constantly, until he has something he really wants you to know, when he stares at you like the snake in the Jungle Book. “I’m going to try something new,” he says quietly, in a New York hipster drawl. “Would you like to see it?” Of course. We expect to be astonished. So a card goes missing and is found under a wristwatch. Another is chosen at random and its suit and number appear written on the side of a pen. He makes a pack vanish from under our noses, by riffling it in one hand.

People gasp and wow and ask, “How do you do that?” As if he was ever going to say. Some of these tricks are familiar to those who know magic, but the execution is breathtaking. Blaine practises with the cards for eight hours at a time and astonishes people every day of his life. He seems to find it easier than talking to them….

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