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Illusionist Uses Magic Skills to Help Disabled..

Illusionist Uses Magic Skills to Help Disabled..

By Julie Taboh for Voice of America..

Kevin Spencer saw his first magician perform when he was five years old. He remembers vividly telling his mother, ”When I grow up, I’m going to be a magician.”

He has been a magician for more than 30 years, performing on stages around the world with his wife, Cindy, bringing tricks and magical illusions to millions of people.

But early in his career, a bad car accident changed the focus of his work.

“The car I was in was crushed by a tractor trailer,” he recalled. “I woke up in neurological intensive care with a closed brain injury and a lower spinal cord injury and spent almost a year in therapy just trying to regain the skills I’d lost as a result of the accident.”..

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