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Tag: gulf coast magic

We All Could Use A Little Bit Of Magic..

We All Could Use A Little Bit Of Magic..

Nathan Nickerson has his very own custom-fitted straight jacket. It isn’t an article of clothing every man aspires to hang in their closet, but for a 6-foot, 5-inch magician, it’s a wardrobe necessity.

Nickerson, 26, has been performing slight-of-hand tricks and illusions since he was 10, and will readily admit that learning magic was difficult in the beginning.

“I remember one time in fifth grade I saw a kid do a trick on the bus and I was hooked,” he said.

The kid had a handkerchief and he pushed it down into his hand until the fabric no longer existed and the handkerchief was gone.

“After that I followed him around the school, watching to see where the handkerchief was, but I never figured it out,” Nickerson said.

Around the same time, Nickerson encountered a real-life magician at the T&W Flea Market who was selling magic sets and tricks. Nickerson was barely tall enough to see over the heavy, weathered tables and booths.

“I bought a couple things and would go back every weekend for about two or three years,” he said.   Read more..