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Tag: illusionist

David Copperfield’s Wall Street Journal Interview (and a trick)..

David Copperfield’s Wall Street Journal Interview (and a trick)..

This is not a totally new interview.. it was filmed about five months ago. But, as it was published to Youtube under the Wall Street Journal banner, I assume it was not widely viewed.. 

Legendary illusionist David Copperfield talks to the Wall Street Journal’s Lee Hawkins about his ongoing show at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, how he became one of the most recognizable performers in the world, the business of magic, his success in the real estate business, some of his work with Michael Jackson, and his philosophy about how success can be achieved through listening. Copperfield also shows Hawkins how to do a magic trick on-camera. 21 minutes in length…

Andrew Mayne on conjuring magic and taking chances..

Andrew Mayne on conjuring magic and taking chances..

Thanks to the Manila Bulletin and Yahoo News for this article..

Magician-illusionist-writer Andrew Mayne wants to visit the Philippines, which he admitted is among his dream destinations.

“I’ve never been (there) but I would love to go visit the Philippines,” he said in a phone interview, adding that he knows a lot of “very intelligent Filipino people,” which he counts among his “mentors.” Of these, he cites his head magic consultant Enrico dela Vega, as well as his Judo teacher as both Filipino.

Born in Opelika, Alabama, Mayne’s interest in magic began when his grandfather showed him how he could make a quarter vanish, only to make it reappear moments later in his shoe or sometimes, his belly button.

“Until now I still don’t have any idea how he did it,” Mayne confessed.

He earned recognition being the second youngest illusionist to embark on a world tour (the first was American illusionist David Copperfield)…

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Jim Steinmeyer: Broadway’s greatest stage illusionist, interview..

Jim Steinmeyer: Broadway’s greatest stage illusionist, interview..

When magician Jim Steinmeyer offers guests a drink they cannot be sure what they will get. One of his tricks is to pour a variety of different coloured, multi-flavoured drinks from the same container.

Since he first created it for television, it has become a popular party piece for those in the know.

But when he poured water from a jug for me in his kitchen, it was just iced water. Disappointingly, there were no tricks. Although, as someone who has spent his life devising and creating illusions, Jim has plenty up his sleeve.

Some of his latest magical creations will be among the spectacular highlights of Aladdin, the Disney musical extravaganza which opens on Broadway next week… Good interview by John Hiscock…


Illusionist Richard De Vere dies suddenly in Thailand…

Illusionist Richard De Vere dies suddenly in Thailand…

BOLTON illusionist Richard De Vere has died suddenly while on holiday in Thailand.

Details have yet to be released as to the cause of death of the 46-year-old entertainer, who learned his craft while a schoolboy in Bolton.

Richard, whose Mystique show ran for many years at the Pleasure Beach, in Blackpool, had been due to begin a new engagement this year at Viva showbar.

In a statement, the Pleasure Beach said: “It is with deep sadness we have to confirm that Richard De Vere has unfortunately passed away while on vacation.

“We are obviously very shocked, sad and offer our deepest sympathies to Richard’s family, his partner and friends — simply a lovely gentlemen and talent who has left us far too early in his journey in life.”..

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