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New-age magicians embrace tablets and smartphones…

New-age magicians embrace tablets and smartphones…

Gadgets tend to bring out the worst in Atul Patil. The Vakola-based magician pours milk over iPads, breaks new smartphones in two and makes apples and coins roll off from tablet PCs. His favourite trick has him flinging two phones in the air and watching jaws drop as one phone morphs into another midflight.

Warranty does not cover any of this yet curiously, every time he hurts a device, Patil gets richer. You could argue–as writer Arthur Clarke once did–that any advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

This is perhaps why magicians all over the world are feeling the pressure to up their game. Like sci-fi superheroes, they started by wiping off their lipstick and shedding their capes. Then they got rid of the hackneyed card tricks and gaudy special effects and embraced chrome screens and CGI.

Now, taking a cue from internationally renowned magicians such as US-based Marco Tempest, who choreographs elaborate card tricks through animation, and Germany’s Simon Pierro, who makes beer flow from Ipads, city-based magicians have also started introducing elements of technology in their endangered bag of tricks.  Read more..