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Tag: justin sight

QUICKER THAN THE EYE  ….. This video may have you not believing your own eyes. From filmmaker Sebastian Mlynarski, “Magic Man” follows a street magician going by “Justin Sight.” And here’s the catch: Sight is legally blind, and his clever tricks have become his main avenue for connecting with people.

Now 23, Sight was born as Adam Jaslikowski, and at 10, he learned his failing vision was due to Stargardt’s macular degeneration. “I would say I was always different, in general, as a kid,” the magician says in the video. “I knew that they saw me as this disheveled, weird, blind kid. If I didn’t have the magic, I’d’ve been even more isolated.”

Blind NYC magician might be a wizard..

Blind NYC magician might be a wizard..

Justin Sight is a unique magician currently residing in New York City. Since the later half of 2013 he has done events for companies and organizations like Tumblr, Gawker, The Blue School and The United Nations to name a few.

Justin was diagnosed legally blind without corrective treatment at age 10. Around the same time he developed a fascination with the art of magic and performing. His unique brand of presentation often focuses on the notion of a “malleable reality” in which anything can happen. As part of notion Justin demonstrates the unique “advantages” of his visual impairment; implementing innovative ways to see what others cant. He draws from a continuing involvement with the worlds mystical traditions as well as modern scientific discoveries that point to the mystery of What Is.  read more and watch videos.

Blind magician riding subway fame to bigger stages..

Blind magician riding subway fame to bigger stages..


Blind magician Justin Sight came to the city with one vision in mind — to show New Yorkers a little magic on their commutes.

Sight, who is 25 and legally blind, has spent the past few years on subway platforms, performing awe-inspiring tricks with cards and coins.

“I don’t focus on grand illusions. I like to work close up,” said Sight, who lives in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. “It is about illuminating anything that looks suspicious and weird.”

Now, Sight, whose real name is Adam Jaslikowski, is attracting serious attention. He has performed his magic tricks on ESPN and has been hired to performer at corporate parties for Tumblr and Gawker employees. Read more
