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Tag: magic as art

David Copperfield On Why Magic Should Be Recognized By The Government..

David Copperfield On Why Magic Should Be Recognized By The Government..

It’s been a while since David Copperfield pulled off an illusion on the scale of walking through the Great Wall of China or making the Statue of Liberty disappear, but he’s keeping busy. The most successful magician of all time performs more than 500 times a year in Las Vegas and recently was part of an effort to persuade the federal government to recognize magic as an art form. In March, Representative Pete Sessions of Texas dropped House Resolution 642 before Congress, which aims to ensure magic is “preserved, understood and promulgated.” Copperfield, a driving force behind the bill, is listed as an example of the heights that can be attained through mastery of the discipline.

If the government needs additional convincing, Now You See Me 2, the sequel to 2013’s hit magic-fueled thriller inspired by Copperfield’s theatrical stage shows, is in theaters June 10.  Read more…

Why is it Important that Magic be defined as ‘Art’?

Why is it Important that Magic be defined as ‘Art’?

Actually, there are many reasons.. but the primary reason is so magicians can qualify for grants and loans, plus, receive special recognition through the government and endowment funds. Many artists, like performing artists and media artists, receive grants to allow them to create without the struggles of the prototypical ‘struggling artist’..  Because of their official recognition as artists, dance companies, jazz bands, and film makers, among others, all qualify for government grants..

Rep. Pete Sessions, a Dallas Republican and House Rules Committee chairman introduced a resolution to recognize magic “as a rare and valuable art form” and a “national treasure.” The goal, according to the measure is to “support efforts to make certain that magic is preserved, understood and promulgated”

“Magic is an art form with a power and potential unlike any other. The purpose of Congressional Resolution 642 is to help preserve, protect, and promote the art of magic for generations to come -with equal artistic respect as dance, jazz, music, and film.

Please go to this site and take about 30 seconds to sign the petition….