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Notorious Crooks: Who Was Erdnase?

Notorious Crooks: Who Was Erdnase?

By Paul Drexler for The Examiner…

Born in Connecticut in 1872, Andrews picked up an early interest in magic and card manipulation and became a professional gambler at 18. By 1900, he was one of the best card sharks in the country.

In 1902 a man calling himself S.W. Erdnase self-published “The Expert at the Card Table.” This 143-page book explained and demonstrated the “shuffles,” “shifts,” and sleight-of-hand techniques used by card sharks and magicians. The first edition sold poorly, and the author reduced the price to $1 per copy.

By 1903, Andrews was at the peak of his career, claiming an annual income of more than $20,000 (worth $600,000 today). But life as a hustler had taken its toll. He had developed serious digestive problems and a raging temper.

He took up with Bessie Boutin, a prostitute with a taste for luxury. They fought frequently over her drinking and his jealousy. In October 1904, Boutin disappeared in Denver, and Andrews left town with her jewelry. When her body was discovered, he was the main suspect in her death. Andrews was later linked to two other unsolved murders. Read the rest of the article at: