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Tag: magic

Veteran magician makes New Year Honours list..

Veteran magician makes New Year Honours list..

By ONE News Reporter Max Bania

A lifelong dedication to promoting and practising the art of magic has earned an Auckland man the first ever Queen’s Service Medal awarded for services as a magician.

Alan Watson was introduced to magic at age seven and started out performing tricks for charity at hospitals and retirement homes, before spending decades as a commercial entertainer.

“I was really thrilled for the magicians in New Zealand because it meant our art form was being recognised with a royal honour,” Mr Watson said of his surprise award…

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Noah Wyle returns to ‘Librarian’ role in new TNT series

Noah Wyle returns to ‘Librarian’ role in new TNT series

By Sara Stewart for the New York Post..

Noah Wyle has more fun than he ever did as an “ER” doc playing the rumpled eccentric at the heart of this likable, if mild-mannered, new TNT series.

He’s The Librarian, and in the first of many nods to the fantasy genre, he explains “there’s only ever one, and when he dies another one takes his place.” (“Buffy the Vampire Slayer” fans will nod knowingly.) Of course, the series title might argue otherwise, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Score another one for nerd culture with the librarian-as-swashbuckling hero: Wyle channels a little Indiana Jones here, a little Doctor Who there as he embarks on quests to save the world armed only with smarts and a kickass reference collection. He’s actually been playing this role since 2004, when he starred in the first of a three-movie “Librarian” series on TNT. His Flynn Carsen is a little brusque, very excitable and prone to bookish witticisms such as “They’re like adjectives: They travel in pairs.”

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Despite protests, Dirk Arthur debuting his own production of cats..

Despite protests, Dirk Arthur debuting his own production of cats..

Click to enlarge photo  By  for the Las Vegas Sun

The Kats Report Bureau this weekend has been ensconced at the Riviera, and that hotel is happening this weekend with a couple of conventions that helped fill the lobby with hundreds of guests on Friday afternoon.Yes, the 59-year-old Riviera is positively bouncing with activity as we close out November. Soon to arrive at Versailles Theater, where the continuing renovation is apparent even at the vacuumed and polished entrance, are “The Rat Pack Is Back” and “MJ Live.”

These satisfying, resilient and adaptable shows are being swept out of the Rio’s Crown Theater to make room for the new “Duck Commander” musical, and I am tapping my watch while wondering when the contract will be signed and we can get to planning for that proverbial call of the wild.

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Paul Cosentino: Inside the world of the Magic Man

Paul Cosentino: Inside the world of the Magic Man

By Christine Sams for Sidney Confidential

HE is the most successful entertainer Australian reality television has produced, but it didn’t happen by magic.

Paul Cosentino, 32, might have audiences in awe and wonder at his tricks but there’s no escaping the truth of his business acumen.

“No-one puts it in your lap,” admitted the illusionist and escapologist, after being asked about the hard work behind his entertainment empire which now stretches from Australia to the UK, US, Asia and South America.

“This is what I planned for,” he said, of large-scale success. “There are aspects I’ve dreamt about since I was a little boy”.

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