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Magician left covered in his own blood after a trick went wrong on stage..

Magician left covered in his own blood after a trick went wrong on stage..

A magician was left covered in his own blood after a trick went wrong on stage.

Phil Knoxville, who mixes comedy and magic, bled heavily after part of his act went wrong during a performance at the Sileby Conservative Club.

A member of the audience, who wanted to remain anonymous, told how he watched in horror as blood pumped out of the magician’s nose during the show on May 19.

He said: “The bloke looked uncomfortable as it looked like he was trying to pull a rolled up playing card out of his nose.  Read more:

‘I had no intention to learn magic, it kind of found me’: Magician Paul Cosentino reveals how an afternoon in a library got him into a life of tricks and illusions..

‘I had no intention to learn magic, it kind of found me’: Magician Paul Cosentino reveals how an afternoon in a library got him into a life of tricks and illusions..

He’s one of the biggest magic acts to come out of Australia.

And now Paul Cosentino has revealed how an afternoon in the Lysterfield Library as a 12-year-old got him hooked on tricks and illusions saying: ‘I had no intention to learn magic, it kind of found me.’

Speaking to the Herald Sun, the 33-year-old said it was the encouragement from his mother Rosemary that made learning the tricks fun after she saw him reading a book in the school library.  ‘I was a very shy, introverted little boy. I had a lot of learning difficulties growing up, reading, writing, spelling difficulties,’ he told the publication.’I found myself in the library and there was a magic book, my mother saw me reading the book and she is like ‘hallelujah’, so she takes it home, and starts reading to me about the history of these magicians. 

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  • So did BGT contestant Richard Jones rip off America’s Got Talent star?

  • – American magician Collins Key performed a ripped page trick on Season 8 of America’s Got Talent in 2013
  • – English magician Richard Jones’s semi-final act this week also featured a ripped page trick on Tuesday… Read more:
  • Penn Jillette on Magicians, Intelligence and Now You See Me 2 ..

    Penn Jillette on Magicians, Intelligence and Now You See Me 2 ..

    The most famous magician of 21st century America is Harry Houdiniand he’s been dead for almost 100 years. Houdini named himself after Robert-Houdin, the 19th century French magician. Robert-Houdin thought a magician should dress like his audience, not in a conical hat and robes like a wizard or a witch. In 19th century Paris, that meant Robert-Houdin dressed in top hat and tails. Stupid magicians continued to copy his wardrobe long after audiences started wearing jeans—they missed the point.

    Robert-Houdin said that a magician was an actor playing the part of a magician. So Jesse Eisenberg, in Now You See Me and Now You See Me 2, is an actor playing the part of an actor playing the part of a magician. Jesse has a harder job than Robert-Houdin, Houdini or me. (I wrote that last sentence just so there would be one sentence on record where I’m included with those two geniuses.)