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Tag: magician

Seth Kramer practices magic that’s good for business..

Seth Kramer practices magic that’s good for business..

Seth Kramer has a way of working his magic on everyone he meets.

On a recent Saturday afternoon, the self-described “corporate magician” got inside a reporter’s head: Think about an acquaintance you haven’t seen in a long time, Kramer said. “Picture the person in your mind, and then print their first name on a piece of paper and fold it in half,” he said. After asking several questions (“Is this someone you worked with?” “Did they move because of a new job?”), he pulled out a card he had in a business folder with that friend’s name on it, as if it had been written days earlier.

That brand of mind boggling, mind reading and sleight of hand has been Kramer’s shtick-in-trade for the more than 30 years. Kramer, 55, of Huntington, has performed at more than 600 events using his brand of illusion to draw in passers-by at trade shows, getting audiences interested in new products — anything from computer software to fertilizer. “There are only maybe about 30 magicians in the country who understand the balance between entertainment and education,” he says. “The challenge is to integrate it kind of seamlessly. You don’t want to hit people over the head with the message, but you want to draw in people.”   Read more…

Justin Flom to release debut book, ‘Adventures of a Kid Magician’..

Justin Flom to release debut book, ‘Adventures of a Kid Magician’..

LAS VEGAS (The CW Las Vegas) — Magician Justin Flom’s career skyrocketed last year through television appearances, constant touring and multiplied millions of views on Facebook, Snapchat and other social media.

Flom, who has been named as an Up and Coming Entertainer by Las Vegas Weekly, will be releasing a book next month.

“Adventures of a Kid Magician” will be made available Feb. 9 exclusively through Walmart and He talks with Jeff Maher about this endeavor and shows a few tricks..

In Male-Dominated Sphere, Magician Jeanette Andrews Uses Science, Art to Make Her Mark..

In Male-Dominated Sphere, Magician Jeanette Andrews Uses Science, Art to Make Her Mark..

It took two men and a tiger to convince Jeanette Andrews of her true calling.

Just months after watching a Siegfried and Roy TV special, a 4-year-old Andrews was performing magic for her class. Two years later, she staged her first paid gig. Since then, she and magic have been virtually inseparable. At 14, she became a member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians (with Siegfried and Roy sponsoring her membership) and now, at 25, she regularly performs her magic – which blends elements of philosophy, science and art – for audiences both corporate and casual.

On Tuesday, the Chicago-based magician will be at the Museum of Contemporary Art performing “Thresholds,” a show which pairs illusions with each of the five senses.

We spoke with Andrews on the magic inherent in science, the power of audience participation, and what it feels like to be one of the only women killing it in an almost exclusively male-dominated field.   Read more….

Teaching: Just Like Performing Magic..

Teaching: Just Like Performing Magic..

Education, at its most engaging, is performance art. From the moment a teacher steps into the classroom, students look to him or her to set the tone and course of study for everyone, from the most enthusiastic to the most apathetic students. Even teachers who have moved away from the traditional lecture format, toward more learner autonomy-supportive approaches such as project-based and peer-to-peer learning, still need to engage students in the process, and serve as a vital conduit between learner and subject matter.

Teachers are seldom trained in the performance aspect of teaching, however, and given that every American classroom contains at least one bored, reluctant, or frustrated student, engagement through performance may just be the most important skill in a teacher’s bag of tricks.

I asked Teller, a former Latin teacher and the silent half of the magical partnership known as Penn & Teller, about his years as an educator, and the role performance played in his teaching. Teller taught high school Latin for six years before he left to pursue a career in magic with Penn, and in the 40 years since, the duo have won Emmys, Obies, and Writer’s Guild Awards, as well as a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. As our conversation meandered through Catullus, Vergil, Shakespeare, and education theory, he explained why he believes performance is an essential, elemental aspect of effective teaching.

The first job of a teacher is to make the student fall in love with the subject. That doesn’t have to be done by waving your arms and prancing around the classroom; there’s all sorts of ways to go at it, but no matter what, you are a symbol of the subject in the students’ minds.”  (Photo: Wikipedia )

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