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Tag: magician

The Most Watched Magician of the Year Was… Some Guy Named Rick Lax….

The Most Watched Magician of the Year Was… Some Guy Named Rick Lax….

Behind-the-scenes magic creator Rick Lax has worked on illusions for living legend David Copperfield and for Penguin Magic, the largest magic shop in the world. But six months ago, Lax stepped in front of the spotlight, began performing his own creations…and took the world of magic by storm.

He’s already racked up 200,000,000 Facebook video views and 600,000 Facebook page likes. That makes him the #1 most-liked American magician.

He’s headlined at Hollywood’s Magic Castle and fooled Penn & Teller.

“Not bad for a guy who hasn’t done a paying gig since high school,” Lax says.

And Lax is just getting started. Everybody wants to know what’s next:

“Lots of people are writing me and asking where they can see me perform. And I tell them, ‘Nowhere.’ I don’t have a live show and don’t have plans to put one on… Read more…

‘Magic won’t cure me’ – TV magician Dynamo opens up about his battle with Crohn’s Disease..

‘Magic won’t cure me’ – TV magician Dynamo opens up about his battle with Crohn’s Disease..

Steven Frayne, known as Dynamo, was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease when he was 13-years-old – a condition causing inflammation to the stomach lining and leaves the street magician in constant pain.

The magician, who has entertained famous people from Jay Z to Prince Charles, had to have half his stomach removed following a burst abscess three years after he was diagnosed with the disease.

Following a life-saving operation as a teenager, the illusionist controls the incurable illness through diet and meditation. read more..

The Human Lie Detector..

The Human Lie Detector..

In person, bespectacled, wavy-haired Jay Alexander seems nervous, even a little shy. You wouldn’t guess that he’s performed for rock stars like Bono and the Rolling Stones, done live shows for the CIA, or appeared on Good Morning America and the Today show.

His claim to fame? He can read minds.

Yes, really. Well, sort of. Alexander uses micro expressions — extremely subtle, split-second facial expressions, like swallowing or twitching at the corners of the mouth — to decipher our thoughts, including whether we’re lying or telling the truth. Alexander learned about micro expressions more than 25 years ago when he stumbled onto a book by psychology researcher Paul Ekman, who’s worked with the CIA to read faces and solve crimes. Ekman is the inspiration behind Tim Roth’s character in the Fox series Lie to Me. Fascinated, Alexander devoured other books on the topic and memorized countless micro expressions before taking his studies to the stage. Read more and watch the video at:;_ylt=AwrXoCC8JYtWSGMANRfQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByc3RzMXFjBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwM0BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg–

Interview: Magician Jeff McBride talks plans for 2016, Mat Franco SPECIAL

Interview: Magician Jeff McBride talks plans for 2016, Mat Franco SPECIAL

Jeff McBride chatted with Digital Journal about his plans for 2016 with his Magic & Mystery School, as well as his former student and prodigy, magician Mat Franco.

Their next big class at the Magic & Mystery School is “Mask, Mine and Magic,” which is coming up on Jan. 9 and 10. “This class is for magicians who want to add mime, movement and mask work to their performances. Masked performers, mimes and movement artists who want to add magic skills to their performances,” McBride said. “Anyone who is an enthusiast of magic, mime and mask work, who wants to explore and deepen their understanding of these magical art forms.”   Read more….