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Tag: magicians

Paul Daniels ‘has more knowledge about magic than anyone else in the world’, says Debbie McGee..

Paul Daniels ‘has more knowledge about magic than anyone else in the world’, says Debbie McGee..

Paul Daniels has been one of the most familiar faces on TV, in concert halls and at holiday resorts for half a century but he hasn’t lost his love for magic. As he prepares for his Intimate tour with wife and performing partner Debbie McGee, the couple explain how they got into magic, their thoughts on the current industry and what to expect from their latest show.

Like a “mad professor”, Paul Daniels struggles to get through a single day without inventing a new trick.

In fact, he just about eats, sleeps and breathes magic – so much that his wife does not believe there is anyone out there with a greater understanding of the practice.

“He comes up with a new trick every day,” says Debbie McGee, speaking from their Berkshire home on the banks of the River Thames. “He’s like the mad professor and invents something new every day.

"He reads about magic nearly 24 hours a day. If he wakes up in the night he reads a magic book next to his bed.

"Having met most of the magicians in the world while working with Paul for the past 30 years, my opinion is that Paul and the American magician Teller have the most knowledge about magic.  Read more..

‘Magic Roadshow Journal of Magic’ is back..

‘Magic Roadshow Journal of Magic’ is back..


With the New Year still fresh on my mind, I forgot to notify you that a new issue of the MAGIC ROADSHOW JOURNAL OF MAGIC, the largest FREE magic newsletter in the world, has published. 

Featuring an array of new effects and videos, this issue can be read online or downloaded as a PDF to be read at your convenience. 

Check it out. Subscribing gets you an email notice the moment a new issue goes live, but, you are more than welcome to read or download it without subscribing. You can always wait till I publish a link here… which as you can see is not always the quickest way to be notified.  😉

Sleight of Hand – Storytelling and impossible objects..

Sleight of Hand – Storytelling and impossible objects..

My Amtrak train ride was a trick. I avoided the smog swaddling cloth of the Pacific Coast highway, yet I stood before a vessel reminiscent of “James and the Giant Peach,” a tin can with the label peeled off. A gust of wind lifted my scarf and covered my eyes for a moment, giving me an uncanny sense of foreboding: I saw my name in a sea of fine print, invisible in the back corner of a bankrupt San Diego newspaper, a statistic of an Amtrak train crash. The next gust of Santa Ana winds would send the last paper copy into the sewer. As we boarded the train, not a single passenger on the platform had lifted their eyes from their cell phones.

There were no assigned seats. I must have looked terrified because a woman moved her giant handbag and beckoned me to take its place. My eyes darted between the woman and a man at a four-top in a top hat, shuffling cards like they were floating. He wore a lion ring on his right hand. When he looked up at me, I was met with cloudy blue eyes and tufts of blonde hair that were coming out from under his top hat.

“You can sit here if you’d like.” He placed the cards in a neat pile. “But I’m not playing with a full deck.”

Eric Stevens, magician, author and speaker introduced himself and said he was on his way to Los Angeles to visit The Magic Castle—a private clubhouse for magicians. He promptly delved into a card trick that seemed impossible. (As Stevens later explained, “If it were impossible, I couldn’t do it.”) Read more..

5 Magicians Who Died During Their Last Trick..

5 Magicians Who Died During Their Last Trick..

Magicians are known for defying physics and achieving feats that most men would never dream of. However, some magicians run into bad luck and unfortunate mistakes. For these five magicians, their last trick was their very demise, and they died while performing tricks. Read their haunting stories below.

Number Five: Gilbert Genesta. In 1930, magician Gilbert Genesta thought he was just performing his routine and signature trick. He impressed crowds by telling them he could escape any water barrel or milk can before drowning. However, on this fateful day, he crawled inside a dented barrel without realizing it and could not escape before he drowned.  Read more at: