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Tag: magicians

Another week, and another solid episode of Penn & Teller: Fool Us.

Another week, and another solid episode of Penn & Teller: Fool Us.

Robert B. Marks offers a very insightful, very well-written review of Penn & Teller’s FOOL US each week on THE ESCAPIST – 

FOOLING GARWULF. He explores the performance of each participant, more so from the perspective of an informed layman. You won’t find any reveals, but you may glean a useful hint or two… Check it out. ( And thanks to Mel Klentz MAGICIAN’S LIFE for pointing me to this resource several weeks ago…)  Be sure to read Mr Marks other commentaries on the state of magic while on Garwulf’s Corner..

For Penn & Teller’s Magical Partnership, The Trick Is Telling The Truth..

For Penn & Teller’s Magical Partnership, The Trick Is Telling The Truth..

If you’re Penn and Teller, you play Broadway. Thirty years after they first played New York, the duo are back with a new show. And it’s no quiet celebration, either. In the course of a single performance, they make a cellphone ring inside a dead fish, swallowboth needles and fire — and make a rare African spotted pygmy elephant disappear.

Over the past four decades, Teller has directed Macbeth, they’ve both individually written best-selling books and the pair’s taken a starring turn in a Katy Perry video. Oh, and they’ve also got a couple of TV shows running right now — Penn & Teller: Fool Us and Wizard Wars — as well as a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

They joined NPR’s Scott Simon for a conversation on magic, danger and the remarkable endurance of their partnership — and they did it one at a time. Read more and listen to the interview..

Magic and Magicians in the Movies..

Magic and Magicians in the Movies..

Despite the fact that many modern forms of magic appear to have evolved from simple tricks, like those featured in the Royal Vegas Rabbit in the hat game into ridiculous feats of stupidity or endurance, there is still a rich history of real magical performance and style. Of course magic is always a great concept to delve into and the perfect fodder for movie goers to enjoy as well. Magicians and magic have featured in a number of popular, and not so popular, movies throughout the years each tackling certain aspects of the industry whether it’s going behind the scenes or directly trying to outwit and trick the audience themselves. We take a look at just a few examples of this magical sub-genre. Read more…

Sky News magician ‘videobomb’ was PR stunt in effort to get TV deal..

Sky News magician ‘videobomb’ was PR stunt in effort to get TV deal..

Reporter Ashish Joshi allowed Young and Strange to film ‘shrinking man’ illusion behind him to help them land TV show …

A clip showing a “shrinking man” illusion being performed on Westminster Green behind Sky reporter Ashish Joshi apparently during a live broadcast has been viewed more than 180,000 times on YouTube after going viral on social media.

But it emerged on Friday that the clip was staged, and was not part of a live Sky News broadcast. Acting independently of his employers, Joshi allowed the magicians to film the stunt outside parliament. Graphics closely mirroring the channel’s text and branding were added afterwards. Read more and watch the video..